If you enjoy social media and have two years’ expeÂriÂence in social media manÂageÂment and analyÂsis then the DigÂiÂtal Media AnaÂlyst could be a great job for you.
Are you lookÂing for the opporÂtuÂniÂty to lead change and driÂve performance?
Are you ready to work with an award-winÂning media proÂducÂtion team on a social-first phiÂlosÂoÂphy? MontÂgomery ColÂlege TeleÂviÂsion is a proÂfesÂsionÂal conÂtent creÂation unit withÂin a diverse and incluÂsive eduÂcaÂtionÂal instiÂtuÂtion focused on delivÂerÂing high qualÂiÂty eduÂcaÂtion that preÂpares stuÂdents for sucÂcess. We are lookÂing for someÂone who has a pasÂsion for anaÂlyzÂing metÂrics and delivÂerÂing outÂstandÂing perÂforÂmance on a variÂety of platÂforms. If that’s you, we would love to talk with you regardÂing that next step in your career.
DigÂiÂtal Media AnaÂlyst Job Details:
MontÂgomery ColÂlege, Rockville CamÂpus, has an immeÂdiÂate need for a full-time MCTV DigÂiÂtal Media AnaÂlyst, Media ProÂducÂtion department.
Work hours are typÂiÂcalÂly between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm MonÂday through FriÂday with some evening/weekend hours dependÂing on the need.
This is a barÂgainÂing, non-exempt, grade 27 posiÂtion. Non-exempt posiÂtions are not eliÂgiÂble to work a secÂondary job at MontÂgomery ColÂlege. MontÂgomery ColÂlege proÂmotes and creÂates a workÂing and learnÂing enviÂronÂment rootÂed in the basic tenets of fairÂness, diverÂsiÂty, and inclusiveness.
This posiÂtion is eliÂgiÂble for teleÂwork after sucÂcessÂful comÂpleÂtion of the iniÂtial employÂment proÂbaÂtionÂary period.
Under superÂviÂsion and direcÂtion, the MCTV DigÂiÂtal Media AnaÂlyst is responÂsiÂble for perÂformÂing deep analyÂsis of conÂtent on mulÂtiÂple digÂiÂtal platÂforms and recÂomÂmends changes based on digÂiÂtal trends and prevaÂlent pracÂtices to increase social media engageÂment and conversion.
Work with adminÂisÂtraÂtors, staff, facÂulÂty, stuÂdents, comÂmuÂniÂty and PEG (PubÂlic EduÂcaÂtion GovÂernÂment) partÂners to proÂvide metÂrics and insights on social media camÂpaigns, proÂgrams, and initiatives.
DigÂiÂtal Media AnaÂlyst Job responÂsiÂbilÂiÂties include but are not limÂitÂed to:
- Track key social media anaÂlytÂics and monÂiÂtor KPIs to proÂvide insights to interÂnal teams via daiÂly, weekÂly, and monthÂly reports that conÂvey the results in a way that explains what hapÂpened, why it hapÂpened, and proÂvide recommendations.
- Work with MCTV, MC marÂketÂing team, and PEG colÂleagues to ensure digÂiÂtal media tacÂtics align with estabÂlished goals and iniÂtiaÂtives. ImpleÂment and manÂage trackÂing tools.
- In alignÂment with the social media stratÂeÂgy, promote/boost posts, conÂduct A/B testÂing, anaÂlyze agency proÂvidÂed reports, and use data-driÂven alterÂnaÂtive approachÂes to increase engageÂment and othÂer goals on all digÂiÂtal platforms
- Research and test emergÂing techÂnoloÂgies that will improve and betÂter serve the digÂiÂtal media strategy.
- MonÂiÂtor and evalÂuÂate comÂpetiÂtor social chanÂnels to deterÂmine effecÂtiveÂness of messaging/content.
- Write copy, proÂduce, shoot, and edit video; creÂate graphÂics and ensure conÂsisÂtent visuÂal preÂsenÂtaÂtion and messaging.
- PerÂform othÂer duties as assigned
Who is MontÂgomery College?
We’re All About TransÂformÂing the ComÂmuÂniÂty ColÂlege Experience
We embrace our role as both a colÂlege and a comÂmuÂniÂty. We are learnÂers. SeekÂers. AchievÂers. MC proÂvides access to qualÂiÂty highÂer eduÂcaÂtion that empowÂers everyÂone to achieve sucÂcess and creÂate meanÂingÂful change.
MontÂgomery ColÂlege is a pubÂlic, fulÂly accredÂitÂed instiÂtuÂtion. MC is dedÂiÂcatÂed to stuÂdent sucÂcess and wideÂly recÂogÂnized for the qualÂiÂty and scope of its acaÂdÂeÂmÂic programs.
StuÂdents Love MC:
NineÂty-sevÂen perÂcent of first-year stuÂdents would recÂomÂmend MC to a friend or famÂiÂly memÂber. (SurÂvey of EnterÂing StuÂdent EngageÂment, 2020)
MC conÂsisÂtentÂly receives high rankÂings and nationÂal recognition:
Ranked #7 Best ComÂmuÂniÂty ColÂlege in the US by WalÂletHub (2022).
Ranked one of the year’s best schools for online degrees in pubÂlic serÂvice by STEPS (StuÂdent TrainÂing & EduÂcaÂtion in PubÂlic SerÂvice), includÂing one of the Best Online CrimÂiÂnal JusÂtice AssoÂciate Degree ProÂgrams (2022).
Ranked #9 in Best Online AssoÂciÂate’s Degree in CyberÂseÂcuÂriÂty by UniÂverÂsiÂtyÂHQ (2022).
Ranked #1 in Best ComÂmuÂniÂty ColÂleges in MaryÂland by Intelligent.com (2022).
Ranked #1 in Best Online AssoÂciate in ComÂputÂer SciÂence ProÂgrams by Intelligent.com (2022).
Ranked Top 5 OverÂall & The Best ValÂue in MaryÂland by Intelligent.com (2021).
Ranked as one of the best for diverÂsiÂty among colÂleges and uniÂverÂsiÂties in the US by ColÂlege FacÂtuÂal (2021).
Ranked among the top 100 comÂmuÂniÂty colÂleges with the best return on investÂment by StackÂer (2021).
What you bring to the table:
Required QualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions:
- Bachelor’s degree in marÂketÂing, comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, data sciÂence, or othÂer relatÂed field, or the equivÂaÂlent comÂbiÂnaÂtion of eduÂcaÂtion, trainÂing or expeÂriÂence that demonÂstrates the abilÂiÂty to perÂform the essenÂtial funcÂtions of the position.
- MinÂiÂmum of two years of expeÂriÂence in social media marÂketÂing or analysis.
- KnowlÂedge of digital/social media techÂnoloÂgies, tools, and pracÂtices and production.
- KnowlÂedge of graphÂic design prinÂciÂples, aesÂthetÂics, and branding.
- KnowlÂedge of HTML, CSS and popÂuÂlar web conÂtent manÂageÂment systems.
- KnowlÂedge of Microsoft Office suite and Adobe creÂative suite, conÂtent manÂageÂment sysÂtems, and web appliÂcaÂtion skills.
- Skill in conÂductÂing analyÂsis of social media content.
- Skill in using data visuÂalÂizaÂtion tools (i.e. Tableau)
- EffecÂtive project manÂageÂment skills.
- EffecÂtive skill in trouÂbleshootÂing digital/social media issues to resolution.
- ExcepÂtionÂal writÂten and verÂbal comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion skills for and with a diverse community.
- Strong interÂperÂsonÂal and cusÂtomer serÂvice skills.
- AbilÂiÂty to comÂmuÂniÂcate techÂniÂcal stanÂdards and processÂes to techÂniÂcal and non-techÂniÂcal audiences.
- AbilÂiÂty to manÂage changÂing priÂorÂiÂties, mulÂtiÂple projects and proÂducÂtions in a deadÂline driÂven environment.
- AbilÂiÂty to work with a high degree of accuÂraÂcy and attenÂtion to detail.
- AbilÂiÂty to colÂlabÂoÂrate with all levÂels of staff, manÂageÂment and exterÂnal stakeholders.
- EliÂgiÂble appliÂcants must curÂrentÂly be authoÂrized to work in the UnitÂed States and not require employÂer visa sponsorship.
PreÂferred Qualification:
- An underÂstandÂing of the difÂferÂence between Google UniÂverÂsal AnaÂlytÂics and Google AnaÂlytÂics 4
LicensÂes and Certifications:
- Google Data AnaÂlytÂics Certificate
HirÂing Range $29.58 to $38.45 per hour. IniÂtial salary placeÂment is based on canÂdiÂdate expeÂriÂence and interÂnal equity.
AppliÂcaÂtion Process:
- Click Here to apply online
- Include dates of employÂment in your appliÂcaÂtion or attachment;
- SubÂmit a covÂer letter
As a conÂdiÂtion of employÂment, the folÂlowÂing are required at the time of hire:
- SucÂcessÂful comÂpleÂtion of a backÂground check and degree verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion (if applicÂaÂble). Must proÂvide proof of US degree equivÂaÂlenÂcy for interÂnaÂtionÂal degrees.
- ParÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in a retireÂment plan.
Our benÂeÂfits packÂage includes: genÂerÂous paid vacaÂtion, sick, paid holÂiÂdays, medÂical, denÂtal, vision, group legal benÂeÂfits, proÂfesÂsionÂal develÂopÂment, retireÂment plan, eduÂcaÂtionÂal assisÂtance, tuition waivÂer for employÂee and depenÂdents, wellÂness proÂgramÂming includÂing onsite gyms, pools and classes.
Apply by the ClosÂing Date of FriÂday, August 26, 2022