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The Hottest Digital Media Jobs Nobody Ever Thought of

So if you’ve been think­ing about the kinds of media jobs that will be big in the future. How about those that will be a par­a­digm shift in human behav­iors? Con­sid­er this fore­cast from Magna Glob­al, World-wide ad rev­enue will grow 4.8% to $536 bil­lion in 2015. ZenithOp­ti­me­dia, pre­dict­ing spend­ing will rise 4.9% in 2015 to $545 bil­lion. Magna Glob­al, says Dig­i­tal Media is on track to sur­pass TV rev­enue in the U.S. by 2017.

Did you just read that, these are big num­bers, and you should be look­ing at big num­ber mar­kets if you’re still try­ing to fig­ure out where to apply your exper­tise or interests?

In the Unit­ed King­dom, Dig­i­tal media is their top pri­or­i­ty, and the same goes for inter­na­tion­al mar­kets. As of right now, it looks like TV ad rev­enue is dying a slow death. Paid search is the num­ber-one Dig­i­tal media for­mat with near­ly half of all glob­al dol­lars, fol­lowed by dis­play (21%), social (12%) and video (8%). Magna states, “The shift to dig­i­tal is hav­ing a defla­tion­ary impact on the entire mar­ket as dig­i­tal for­mats, when­ev­er com­pa­ra­ble to tra­di­tion­al for­mat, look cheap­er and there­fore erode the pric­ing pow­er of tra­di­tion­al media cat­e­gories,”. Mobile ad spend­ing is grow­ing super-fast, pre­sent­ing a third of all dig­i­tal rev­enues by 2016.

Wrap you head around this, accord­ing to Col­lo­quy research, the aver­age U.S. house­hold now takes part in 21.9 loy­al­ty pro­grams every year, such as cus­tomer reward cards or fre­quent fly­er pro­grams. Mobile has now rede­fined life, more and more of your needs can in some way be manip­u­lat­ed by this device, to include how those loy­al­ty pro­grams should work.

Brands have direct access to cus­tomers via this device. Cus­tomers can be reach any­time any­where. Amer­i­can Express worked with Uber to allow cus­tomers to pay with their Amex card for a ride, they earn twice the reward points and they can be used to pay for future rides with Uber. Since you’re already using them as a reg­u­lar cus­tomer, it’s like being paid to use their service.

All the big­ger busi­ness­es, like Tar­get are using apps to make per­son­al­ized offers to shop­pers right then and there, while they’re in the store. The apps track your buy­ing his­to­ry, down to the brand. What does this boil down to for all these brands using this – DATA! Let us not ignore the fact that with these kind of loy­al­ty pro­grams, direct­ly on your phone, you’ll nev­er for­get your cof­fee rewards card ever again.

So how sophis­ti­cat­ed is the mobile tech­nol­o­gy? It’s frig­gin’ sophisticated!

NFC tech­nol­o­gy, the idea of a phys­i­cal world being giv­en a dig­i­tal aug­men­ta­tion lay­er with the hand­set as mouse. This empow­ers the tap-to-pay activ­i­ty like Apple Pay, to be applied to zil­lions of oth­er things as well. Banks and pay­ment sys­tems will be the lead­ing edge of change, as they edu­cate peo­ple on the hid­den capac­i­ty of their phones to com­mu­ni­cate quick­ly with a tap on your phone. A pro­jec­tion from ABI Research sees NFC phones going beyond a 1 bil­lion next year and reach­ing 3.4 bil­lion in 2019. In North Amer­i­ca alone there are about 113 mil­lion NFC-enabled phones with over 346 mil­lion pro­ject­ed for 2019.

NFC acti­va­tion is always on, pas­sive and ener­gy-effi­cient. It is like your phone is in reg­u­lar con­tact with the out­side world and only noti­fies you if any­thing is rel­e­vant and in prox­im­i­ty. It can even tell you what your inter­ests in a par­tic­u­lar loca­tion would be based on your past activ­i­ties with­in the geo­graph­ic zone from pre­vi­ous dig­i­tal transactions.

The new sup­port for NFC from Apple and its pro­lif­er­a­tion among oth­er hand­sets have encour­aged the Aus­tralia-based Tapit, a mobile mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in mobile acti­va­tions using NFC to open a New York office. They exe­cut­ed an NFC-pow­ered cam­paign for Google Movies, using tran­sit loca­tions as the con­tent deliv­ery vehi­cle. As Andrew Davis, COO and co-founder of Tapit puts it, the degree of dif­fi­cul­ty a con­sumer must go through to retrieve the expe­ri­ence must be pro­por­tion­al to the val­ue delivered. says Apple is not yet let­ting third par­ties access to the NFC embed­ded in the iPhone 6 mod­els. Davis states “it is like mon­i­tor­ing online behav­ior but in a phys­i­cal context”.

If you can get your smart heads around this, you could get in with a dig­i­tal media com­pa­ny that devel­op advance net­work­ing tools to give indi­vid­u­als super phys­i­cal inter­ac­tions with oth­ers, brands, and prod­ucts. If you’re not already involved in some­thing along these lines as your pro­fes­sion, then some­one else with fore­sight is.

If you’ve had par­tic­u­lar­ly unex­cit­ing or unin­ter­est­ing expe­ri­ence with this kind of adver­tis­ing inter­face, that was the old world, in the next cou­ple years it will be the only way to live and do busi­ness. Live and work in the new world, do your­self that favor.