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Master of Content for Vimeo, take the job as the Content Partnership Manager!

At Vimeo, your job as the con­tent part­ner­ship man­ag­er is to han­dle the onboard­ing and man­age­ment of all of our Video on Demand con­tent providers – such as dis­trib­u­tors, pro­duc­ers, film­mak­ers and media com­pa­nies — and with our con­tent inges­tion partners.

You will be the mas­ter of under­stand­ing and explain­ing video for­mats, meta­da­ta spec­i­fi­ca­tions, and the Vimeo Video on Demand Pro inter­face for our con­tent part­ners, while also man­ag­ing their film releas­es on the VOD plat­form. In addi­tion, you will be relied upon to man­age the rela­tion­ships with our con­tent inges­tion part­ners to ensure a smooth, effi­cient and trou­ble-free con­tent inges­tion process for both the con­tent provider and Vimeo.

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Who is the ide­al Con­tent Part­ner­ships Man­ag­er for Vimeo?

Get going by man­ag­ing the on-board­ing of con­tent providers once they have signed a deal with their Con­tent Acqui­si­tion team — aid­ing with any ques­tions, issues and con­cerns of the con­tent providers to ensure a time­ly and effi­cient upload and launch of their film(s). Own the sched­ule of con­tent deliv­ery for all signed con­tent providers to ensure that con­tent is deliv­ered and pub­lished on time. Man­age the rela­tion­ship of the con­tent providers through­out their rela­tion­ship with Vimeo on Demand – includ­ing eval­u­at­ing their cat­a­logue con­tent and ingest­ing the con­tent deemed desir­able for their platform.

Com­mu­ni­cate with sev­er­al inter­nal groups about upcom­ing films that are launch­ing and the rel­e­vant details to ensure that finance, mar­ket­ing, pub­lic rela­tions, audi­ence devel­op­ment, etc., have all of the infor­ma­tion they need to pro­mote and sup­port the titles. Assist with the devel­op­ment and enhance­ment of the con­tent provider tools, ensur­ing that they are offer­ing the best fea­tures avail­able to their providers to increase the ease and effi­cien­cy of their Vimeo on Demand expe­ri­ence. Over­see and trou­bleshoot the rela­tion­ships with all con­tent inges­tion part­ners, esca­lat­ing any issues as needed.

You should have at least 2+ years’ expe­ri­ence work­ing in the dig­i­tal video indus­try. Expe­ri­ence han­dling a video con­tent inges­tion process and tech­ni­cal knowl­edge of dig­i­tal video formats

Abil­i­ty to han­dle mul­ti­ple projects and launch­es con­cur­rent­ly while pri­or­i­tiz­ing effec­tive­ly. Sol­id client man­age­ment skills – expe­ri­ence work­ing with out­side part­ners in a pro­fes­sion­al and pos­i­tive man­ner. Pas­sion for Vimeo and their cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty. Bachelor’s degree required.

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What does the com­pa­ny have to say about its services?

Vimeo is the qual­i­ty, open video plat­form for cre­ative peo­ple around the world. Vimeo was found­ed in 2004 by film­mak­ers who want­ed a fun, easy, unclut­tered way to share their work and moments from their lives. We remain true to that mis­sion by con­tin­u­al­ly striv­ing to help peo­ple with a wide range of pas­sions share the things they cre­ate and care about. In every­thing we build for cre­ators and their audi­ences, our goal is sim­ple: make life worth watching.

Today, Vimeo reach­es a month­ly audi­ence of over 170 mil­lion cre­ators and view­ers — and we’re grow­ing big­ger every day. Vimeo is made with love by a high­ly ambi­tious, ridicu­lous­ly inno­v­a­tive, and cer­ti­fi­ably hilar­i­ous team based in New York City, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

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