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Will New York mobile ad tracking startup AppsFlyer transform the mobile advertising market?

Most peo­ple work­ing in media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies would agree that, in the age of mul­ti­ple media sources, adver­tis­ers need to know which net­works they’re get­ting the best results from. And since its launch in 2011, New York mobile app mea­sure­ment, attri­bu­tion and ana­lyt­ics SaaS start­up Apps­Fly­er has been help­ing them find out.

Effec­tive track­ing 

Apps­Fly­er lets mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies, app devel­op­ers and brands mea­sure mobile user attri­bu­tion across social, organ­ic, paid and viral media sources. Now a Face­book Mobile Mea­sure­ment Part­ner, the startup’s plat­form is inte­grat­ed with no few­er than 300 media sources and ad net­works, and it’s cur­rent­ly mon­i­tor­ing mobile adver­tis­ing cam­paigns at annu­al run rates of $500 mil­lion in ad spend and one bil­lion mobile app installs (its mobile traf­fic grew 80-fold in 2013).

To cap it all, the com­pa­ny recent­ly announced that it’s now prof­itable too. Its suc­cess reflects its capac­i­ty to enhance mobile mar­ket­ing trans­paren­cy by help­ing mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies and adver­tis­ers pin­point prof­itable cam­paigns based on life­time val­ue and ROI. And it’s cer­tain­ly impressed investors: at the begin­ning of March, Apps­Fly­er raised $1.7 in a Series A round led by Pitan­go Ven­ture cap­i­tal and exist­ing investor Mag­ma Ven­ture Partners.

Pitan­go Gen­er­al Part­ner Eitan Bek will now join the Apps­Fly­er board and is con­fi­dent that, with its strong team and tech­nol­o­gy, the start­up is poised to “trans­form the mobile adver­tis­ing market.”

Exceed­ing expec­ta­tions 

Accord­ing to its CEO and co-founder Oren Kaniel, AppsFlyer’s Native­Track™ tech­nol­o­gy is fast becom­ing “the indus­try stan­dard for mobile attri­bu­tion.” And he’s clear­ly proud of its inde­pen­dence. He said, “Apps­Fly­er is an unbi­ased, inde­pen­dent mea­sure­ment plat­form, and we’re thrilled to have Pitan­go join us, giv­en their strong port­fo­lio of mobile, social and adver­tis­ing tech­nol­o­gy companies.”

Mag­ma Part­ner Modi Rosen said that the indus­try need­ed an effec­tive mobile ad track­ing plat­form capa­ble of deliv­er­ing real results to help adver­tis­ers opti­mize their mar­ket­ing budgets.

Com­ment­ing on the recent fund­ing round, he said, “Back in 2012, we invest­ed in AppsFlyer’s vision of becom­ing the mobile advertiser’s tool­box. After Apps­Fly­er sig­nif­i­cant­ly exceed­ed all expec­ta­tions in 2013 and into 2014, we’re excit­ed to join this round of funding.”

The new fund­ing will part­ly be used to open two new offices in New York and San Fran­cis­co but much will go into prod­uct R&D, cus­tomer sup­port and busi­ness development.

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