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Web Engineer SeatGeek New York NY

The Overview

Seat­Geek is look­ing for folks who are smart, curi­ous, and love build­ing web apps. Most of our cur­rent team is pret­ty full-stack capa­ble, so we don’t have par­tic­u­lar holes we’re try­ing to fill. Rather, we need to expand our team so that we can deal with the chal­lenge of con­stant­ly improv­ing a site that already serves millions.

We believe in deploy­ing code into pro­duc­tion every day, a flat engi­neer­ing team, rapid iter­a­tion, and an intense focus on user expe­ri­ence. We build most new fea­tures as stand­alone web ser­vices, and we open source them when­ev­er we can. If that’s intrigu­ing to you, drop us a line.

What We’re Look­ing For

  • Expe­ri­ence build­ing web apps. The more the mer­ri­er. We’ll be most inter­est­ed in check­ing out what you have built.
  • Pas­sion­ate about web apps and code: You are opin­ion­at­ed about how soft­ware should work, inside and out
  • Expert with at least one lan­guage (French does not count), and good with sev­er­al others

The Tools We Use

You absolute­ly do not need expe­ri­ence with all of these, but we thought you might be curious:

  • Lan­guages: Python, Ruby, and PHP (Sym­fony)
  • Data­s­tores: MySQL, Mon­goDB, Elas­tic­Search and Redis
  • Serv­er: Nginx, w/ Uni­corn and Thin for Ruby, Tor­na­do and for Python, all rid­ing on EC2/S3/CloudFront
  • Ver­sion con­trol: Git
  • Stats: STATA, R and MATLAB
  • Deploy­ment: Capis­tra­no ALL the things, along with a large set of Chef Cookbooks
  • Mon­i­tor­ing: Graphite with an in-house ver­sion of StatsD in Ruby
  • Obvi­ous: HTML/CSS and lots of Javascript/AJAX. The lat­ter uses jQuery and Backbone.js.

Job Perks

  • A com­pet­i­tive base salary and a mean­ing­ful equi­ty stake in a well-fund­ed ear­ly stage company
  • A cul­ture where the prod­uct is king
  • A laid-back, fun work­place with all the soda/beer/etc you can drink, all the food you can eat, team lunch­es 1–2 times per week, and fre­quent social jaunts orga­nized by Eric Waller, our offi­cial Social Chair
  • The oppor­tu­ni­ty to write code that is used out­side of Seat­Geek, e.g. we’ve open­sourced our job sys­tem, DJJob, our Redis-backed auto­com­plet­ing ser­vice, Soul­mate, and our Python string match­ing library, Fuzzy­Wuzzy
  • A superb ben­e­fits pack­age, includ­ing full health/dental/vision
  • Hackathons: sched­uled times when every­one drops what they’re doing and builds cool stuff in small groups



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