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Time Inc. Wants Highly Caffeinated Manager Native Advertising Solutions

If you are an expert in Native Adver­tis­ing and Social Adver­tis­ing than Time Inc. wants to you to con­sid­er becom­ing a Man­ag­er of Native and Social ad solu­tions.

Native Adver­tis­ing is the hottest area of online adver­tis­ing and Time Inc. has lots of pub­li­ca­tions that need your help.  Suc­cess in Native Adver­tis­ing is like find­ing a buried trea­sure. It’s not a ques­tion of if it exists but rater where it’s located.

Take a Social Media Man­ag­er, a Native Adver­tis­ing pro­fes­sion­al and mix in some strong Ad Ops expe­ri­ence and you’ll have the Man­ag­er of Native and Social Ad Solu­tions role at Time Inc.

But Time Inc. is a great place to work as it is one of the old­est and most estab­lished media com­pa­nies pub­lish­ing major brands includ­ing Time, For­tune, Mon­ey, Sports Illus­trat­ed and lots more.

What Kind of Job is the Man­ag­er for Native and Social Ads?

This is a unique, chal­leng­ing and excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­one with entre­pre­neur­ial instincts, project and cam­paign man­age­ment skills, detail-ori­ent­ed focus, a strong under­stand­ing of the evolv­ing dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing land­scape as well as an abil­i­ty to work across mul­ti­ple depart­ments to imple­ment com­plex technologies.

You should have at least 2 to 4 years work­ing in project and/or cam­paign man­age­ment at a media com­pa­ny and please bring 1 to 3 years work­ing in a social media role.  You’ll also need to have a deep under­stand­ing of the social media and native ecosys­tems, with knowl­edge of intri­cate trends as well as key play­ers as well as supe­ri­or project man­age­ment skills and the abil­i­ty to jug­gle mul­ti­ple ini­tia­tives and keep team mem­bers on track, on time and on budget.

You can apply for the job here

So Who is Time Inc.?

Time Inc. is one of the largest mul­ti-plat­form media com­pa­nies in the world. Each month, over 139 mil­lion U.S. con­sumers engage our well-known brands across print and dig­i­tal plat­forms. With influ­en­tial brands such as Time, Peo­ple, Sports Illus­trat­ed, InStyle, Enter­tain­ment Week­ly and Real Sim­ple, Time Inc. has owned some of the biggest news sto­ries of the decade and is home to cel­e­brat­ed fran­chis­es such as the FORTUNE 500, TIME 100, PEO­PLE’s Most Beau­ti­ful and the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swim­suit Issue.