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Tag Archives: amazon

Why Amazon will Buy Comcast

Why Amazon will Buy Comcast

The con­cept of world dom­i­na­tion used to be rel­e­gat­ed to sci­ence fic­tion movies how­ev­er Ama­zon may yet become one of the first to make it a real­i­ty. Their recent addi­tion of the Stream­ing Part­ners pro­gram could be the start of Ama­zon as the world’s first

Why You Want to Work at Amazon

Why You Want to Work at Amazon

After read­ing the recent New York Times arti­cle  Inside Ama­zon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruis­ing Work­place  it occurred to me that the arti­cle wasn’t real­ly about Ama­zon being a dif­fi­cult place to work but rather the sto­ry of Ama­zon being the place to be

Indian e‑traders recognizing the benefits of Twitter

Com­pa­nies in India that main­ly trade via the Inter­net are wak­ing up to the ben­e­fits of engag­ing with users on the social media site, Twit­ter. The 140-char­ac­ter lim­it that each tweet impos­es seems to be enough to per­suade con­sumers to buy. For exam­ple, one of