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Tag Archives: Advertising

The Coming Wave of Mobile Internet

Will cel­lu­lar phones become the com­put­er of choice for most peo­ple?  With 6 bil­lion phones vs 1.2 bil­lion com­put­ers the ques­tion may have already been answered. There are sev­en bil­lion peo­ple in the world yet there are only 1.2 bil­lion com­put­ers, accord­ing to All Things

New strategic partnership announced between StrikeAd and AdMobius

The world of mobile adver­tis­ing has tak­en an evo­lu­tion­ary leap for­ward with a new part­ner­ship between two high­ly inno­v­a­tive mobile start-ups, StrikeAd and AdMo­bius. StrikeAd, found­ed in 2010 by mobile adver­tis­ing crack­er­jack Alex Rah­man, quick­ly attract­ed a good deal of invest­ment with its unique Demand

Digital Advertising Trends to Watch in the Next 12 Months

What tech­nol­o­gy trends might be on the hori­zon? This past June, the Com­Score inter­net research firm pre­sent­ed data show­ing that mobile users of smart­phones and tablets will sur­pass desk­top users by 2014. This is con­sis­tent with a 2010 Mor­gan Stan­ley pre­dic­tion that mobile will outpace