Want to join the best and brightÂest in online conÂtent recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtion as the Taboola ProdÂuct MarÂketÂing ManÂagÂer? Are you a marÂket savvy, over-achievÂer with a pasÂsion for digÂiÂtal media? Do you like the inforÂmal and thrilling dynamÂics of a start-up environment?
Taboola is lookÂing for a smart, results-driÂven ProdÂuct MarÂketÂing ManÂagÂer at their New York office to help them creÂate an even betÂter expeÂriÂence for their pubÂlishÂer partÂners. The posiÂtion will entail becomÂing the resÂiÂdent expert on all things prodÂuct – advisÂing clients on how to make best use of Taboola’s excitÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy, livÂing and breathÂing the data and comÂing up with smart new ways that will help us make clients hapÂpiÂer. Taboola’s serÂvice is used by pubÂlishÂers to recirÂcuÂlate their own trafÂfic by genÂerÂatÂing perÂsonÂalÂized on-site conÂtent recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions. Those pubÂlishÂers include HuffÂinÂgÂton Post, Weather.com, AOL, NYTimes, Time.com, USAToÂday and many more.
So who is the ideÂal Taboola ProdÂuct MarÂketÂing Manager?
The ProdÂuct MarÂketÂing ManÂagÂer will work with excitÂing, top-of-the-line clients in the online media world and creÂate real impact in the way the disÂcovÂery expeÂriÂence is perÂceived and impleÂmentÂed and in proÂvidÂing innoÂvÂaÂtive conÂtent optiÂmizaÂtions solutions.
The new TabooliÂnaÂtor gets things done! TechÂniÂcal backÂground – a big advanÂtage, strong anaÂlytÂics and excepÂtionÂal comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion will supÂport strateÂgic deals where needÂed by gainÂing insight into a client’s pain points, conÂcerns and pasÂsions and leverÂagÂing them to creÂate and cement mutuÂalÂly benÂeÂfiÂcial relaÂtionÂships based on trust and experÂtise. Work closeÂly with both Taboola sales, marÂketÂing and prodÂuct manÂageÂment teams in ensurÂing finÂger-on-the-pulse underÂstandÂing of the marÂket needs
Then comes the trainÂing and supÂport of the salesÂforce, ensurÂing ongoÂing knowlÂedge of key prodÂuct capaÂbilÂiÂties and difÂferÂenÂtiÂaÂtion. Preach Taboola’s prodÂuct & mesÂsagÂing on pubÂlic events and conferences.
Must define ProdÂuct MarÂketÂing processÂes, become an expert on marÂket segÂmenÂtaÂtion, product/market fit. IdenÂtiÂfy and strucÂture prodÂuct changes needÂed from insights gained from interÂacÂtions with clients. MainÂtain conÂstant vigÂiÂlance for improvÂing user expeÂriÂence and prodÂuct perÂforÂmance. A Proven abilÂiÂty to lead and manÂage mulÂtiÂple projects in a dynamÂic enviÂronÂment with an entreÂpreÂneurÂial spirit.
Here’s what Taboola has to say about the serÂvice they offer:
Taboola is wideÂly recÂogÂnized as the world’s leadÂing conÂtent disÂcovÂery and disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion platÂform with more than 4.5 bilÂlion recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions served every day. Taboola also enables pubÂlishÂers, brands and agenÂcies to acquire high qualÂiÂty trafÂfic and unique-users by recÂomÂmendÂing their conÂtent as third parÂty conÂtent, which popÂuÂlates Taboola’s widÂgets throughÂout our netÂwork of Tier 1 publishers..