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Social planning service YPlan hits New York and launches Android app

Social media man­agers keen to stay abreast of the lat­est devel­op­ments in the indus­try could do worse than check out fledg­ling social plan­ning out­fit, YPlan.

Despite being around for less than 12 months, Sep­tem­ber saw the Lon­don-based com­pa­ny extend its reach into New York City and yes­ter­day it upped the stakes a
notch fur­ther with an announce­ment that the ser­vice can now be accessed through an Android app.

So, how does it all work? Well, if you’re an end user, the answer is it’s essen­tial­ly very straight­for­ward. The app curates and col­lates a hot list of 15 events that are hap­pen­ing that night or over the next cou­ple of nights. Inter­est­ed par­ties can then pay for tick­ets through the app with­out hav­ing to wor­ry them­selves about pro­duc­ing paper copies at the door.

The key point here, accord­ing to co-founder Rytis Vitkauskas, is that YPlan offers users a dis­cern­ing selec­tion of events rather than sat­u­rat­ing their phones with a long-list of less salu­bri­ous options – or, as he puts it, the com­pa­ny is, “razor focused on being the answer to the ques­tion ‘what am I doing tonight?’ ”

Con­tent man­agers curi­ous about why a com­pa­ny that’s laid claim to more than 300k down­loads over the last 10 months should have wait­ed until now to launch an Android app, will per­haps find some sym­pa­thy with YPlan’s offi­cial line. Accord­ing to Vik­toras Jucikas, “Devel­op­ing a qual­i­ty Android app takes a lot of time so we’ve been work­ing real­ly hard on it over the sum­mer, split­ting effort between Android and expan­sion to NYC.”

And there, you might think, is the end of it. In real­i­ty, as any for­ward-think­ing com­mu­ni­ty man­ag­er knows, get­ting the mes­sage out there on as many plat­forms as pos­si­ble is an impor­tant build­ing block of a suc­cess­ful strat­e­gy. Rytis Vitkauskas cer­tain­ly thinks so – as well as launch­ing the app, he was keen to point out that func­tion­al­i­ty will even­tu­al­ly include extra social ele­ments that makes it easy for fam­i­lies or large groups of friends to get togeth­er at their cho­sen events.

With $12 mil­lion in Series A fund­ing led by Gen­er­al Cat­a­lyst and a new app, it seems like this is one social sto­ry that’s set to run and run.