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Aqua Hospitality is surfing the pacific for a Social Media Manager

Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is in need of a Social Media Man­ag­er in Oahu, Hawaii. Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is a dynam­ic Hawaii-based hotel com­pa­ny that sets the stan­dard for a Hawaii and Guam vaca­tion expe­ri­ence. Their 3 hotel brands, Aqua Hotels and Resorts, Mono­gram Hotel Col­lec­tion and Lite Hotels, deliv­er unique expe­ri­ences for dis­crim­i­nat­ing trav­el­ers who seek fresh accom­mo­da­tions at any budget.

The Social Media Man­ag­er is respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing strate­gies and exe­cut­ing day-to-day social media duties for 50+ hotels and resorts. This posi­tion dri­ves cus­tomer engage­ment, grows social fol­low­ing, man­ages social media adver­tis­ing and cre­ates brand aware­ness through key chan­nels includ­ing Face­book, Twit­ter and Insta­gram. In addi­tion, this posi­tion man­ages social media con­ver­sa­tions, com­mu­ni­cates guest ser­vice con­cerns and artic­u­lates glob­al brand posi­tion­ing through dai­ly messaging.

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So who is the ide­al Social Media Man­ag­er for Aqua Hospitality?

This is a busy job and you need to reside in Oahu. You must be able to work nights and week­ends as nec­es­sary for cri­sis com­mu­ni­ca­tion due to inclement weath­er, nat­ur­al dis­as­ters or any oth­er guest-impact­ing events. Trav­el is nec­es­sary, includ­ing inter­is­land, the main­land and pos­si­bly inter­na­tion­al­ly. Work may require a valid dri­ver’s license and trans­porta­tion. Pro­vide social media report­ing and analy­sis to Direc­tors and oth­er stake­hold­ers. Mon­i­tors com­peti­tors and new plat­forms in the space, and con­tin­u­al­ly rec­om­mend and imple­ment improve­ments to ensure best-of-breed in category.


Doc­u­ments, tracks, and mon­i­tors sys­tems and works with eCom­merce, Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing, Offline Mar­ket­ing, Sales and Rev­enue Man­age­ment and on-prop­er­ty teams to max­i­mize social media pres­ence, includ­ing day-to-day con­tent cre­ation as well as con­tests and promotions.

Devel­ops, imple­ments, man­ages new and alter­na­tive social media strate­gies and uses cre­ative, cut­ting-edge prac­tices to increase vis­i­bil­i­ty and traf­fic. Respon­si­ble for day-to-day pro­duc­tion and man­age­ment of engag­ing con­tent on social media plat­forms for 50+ hotels and resorts. Cre­ates post­ings using stock imagery, pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phy and by trav­el­ing to hotels to doc­u­ment and share engag­ing con­tent. Cre­ates ads, man­ages social media bud­get, mon­i­tors per­for­mance and reports on social media adver­tis­ing efforts.

Write web­site copy, tweets, Face­book posts and page man­age­ment and oth­er elec­tron­ic con­tent for pub­li­ca­tion that con­forms to pre­scribed style/format and inform/motivate read­ers. Must be flu­ent in social media plat­forms, includ­ing adver­tis­ing. Knowl­edge of Google Ana­lyt­ics, Face­book Insights, and Sprout Social a plus. Pho­to­shop skills and a strong eye for pho­to selec­tion, etc. a plus.


Must exhib­it excep­tion­al deci­sion-mak­ing abil­i­ties and prob­lem solv­ing skills, as well as proac­tive efforts in seek­ing solu­tions to prob­lems. Must be able to inter­face with the Sales & Mar­ket­ing team and meet tight dead­lines on mul­ti­ple projects.

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What does Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty have to say about their company?

Cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ing more than 20 con­tem­po­rary prop­er­ties on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai and Hawaii Island, plus the island of Guam, Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty offers lifestyle full-ser­vice resorts, styl­ish bou­tique hotels, com­fort­able bud­get prop­er­ties and a his­toric hotel with­in a UNESCO World Her­itage Site.

You won’t find Aqua’s enthu­si­asm and com­mit­ment any­where else, which is why our guests have made Aqua the most hon­ored Waiki­ki hotel com­pa­ny on TripAdvisor.
We feel so strong­ly about our ser­vice stan­dards that we offer the Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Promise at each of our hotels:

Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing your stay as smooth and pleas­ant as possible.

Once you arrive, if there is any­thing we can do to help make your stay more enjoy­able, please con­tact Guest Ser­vices. If for any rea­son they are unable to assist you to your sat­is­fac­tion, please con­tact your Gen­er­al Man­ag­er any­time. Should you require addi­tion­al assis­tance, my per­son­al num­ber is in every room. You are wel­come to call me at any time dur­ing your stay.

Maha­lo for choos­ing Aqua Hos­pi­tal­i­ty! We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you.

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