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Sports Endeavors out of North Carolina is recruiting for their next Social Media Manager

Sports Endeav­ors, Inc., bet­ter known as, is look­ing for a Social Media Man­ag­er to help share their pas­sion for soc­cer. Do you wake up ear­ly on Sat­ur­day morn­ings just to watch Pre­mier League action?  Then we may have the per­fect job for you. The Social Media Man­ag­er will pos­sess a keen aware­ness of emerg­ing soc­cer and social media trends and will devel­op the Social Media Strat­e­gy across all engaged social chan­nels and focus will be in gen­er­at­ing inbound traf­fic and grow­ing brand aware­ness. Can you fit your love for the beau­ti­ful game into 140 characters?

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So who is the ide­al Social Media Man­ag­er for Sports Endeav­ors, Inc.?

You’ll have to dig deep inside and present your human­i­ty to man­age rela­tion­ships with third-par­ty ven­dors to imple­ment new social media tools and to col­lab­o­rate with brand part­ners (adi­das, Nike, PUMA, etc.) on social cam­paigns that engage their com­mu­ni­ties and ben­e­fit both par­ties. Get social media strate­gies going and work with mar­ket­ing crew to deliv­er com­pelling cam­paigns, with a pri­ma­ry focus on pop­u­lar plat­forms includ­ing Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter and YouTube.

Track and mea­sure pro­grams to under­stand effec­tive­ness in terms of engage­ment, reach and impact on sales. Use ana­lyt­ics to react to trends and reg­u­lar­ly pro­vide the insight gained from social media mon­i­tor­ing to the mar­ket­ing and mer­chan­dis­ing teams, to help them evolve their strate­gies in a time­ly manner.

Be inno­v­a­tive and work with the cre­ative team to gen­er­ate social-opti­mized con­tent and oth­er dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing ele­ments that align with over­ar­ch­ing brand strat­e­gy. Mon­i­tor social com­mu­ni­ties to address cus­tomer ser­vice issues, ascer­tain var­i­ous lev­els of issues (urgent/non urgent) and respond or del­e­gate in an appro­pri­ate and brand­ed manner.

First off, you must be local to Hills­bor­ough. Some of the oth­er ways you can get Sports Endeav­ors hot and both­ered is by being a soc­cer play­er and hav­ing a Bach­e­lor’s degree in Mar­ket­ing, and or Busi­ness with sev­er­al years’ expe­ri­ence in mar­ket­ing, com­mu­ni­ty man­age­ment, or adver­tis­ing. A team play­er with a track record of cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tion. In-depth knowl­edge of social media plat­forms. Be a pas­sion­ate and knowl­edge­able soc­cer fan.

You are going to have to will­ing­ly adapt work­ing sched­ule to cov­er sports events on nights and week­ends. Pro­fi­cien­cy using MS Word, Excel, Pow­er­point, and Pho­to­shop while using your excep­tion­al atten­tion to detail. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and strong orga­ni­za­tion­al skills with the abil­i­ty to take ini­tia­tive and get results in a fast-paced environment.

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What does Sports Endeav­ors, Inc. has to say about their company?

In 1984, it was born as a high-school class project in Durham, North Car­oli­na. Today it’s the largest soc­cer, lacrosse, and rug­by retail­er in the world.

It all began when Mike Moy­lan, an 18-year-old soc­cer play­er and fan, decid­ed he want­ed to put togeth­er a cat­a­log, a place where peo­ple like him could eas­i­ly find the best gear in the game. With the help of his fam­i­ly (includ­ing broth­er and cur­rent COO Bren­dan Moy­lan), Mike ulti­mate­ly turned his idea into the mul­ti-chan­nel, mul­ti-sport busi­ness known today as Sports Endeav­ors Incor­po­rat­ed (SEI).

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