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Seattle Area Advertising Sales Manager Wanted

If you have a suc­cess­ful track record of sell­ing adver­tis­ing and are ready for the next step then you may want to con­sid­er this Adver­tis­ing Sales Man­ag­er job at The Ren­ton Reporter, a divi­sion of Sound Pub­lish­ing, in Ren­ton Washington.

Ren­ton is a sub­urb of Seat­tle and has a pop­u­la­tion that exceeds 95,000.

The Ren­ton Reporter, a divi­sion of Sound Pub­lish­ing, Inc. is seek­ing a dynam­ic and moti­vat­ed Adver­tis­ing Sales Man­ag­er.


7 Things You Probably Don’t Know about Renton Washington:

  1. Home of the Seat­tle Sea­hawks Foot­ball Team
  2. Clint East­wood was a life­guard here: Dur­ing the sum­mer of 1953 Clint East­wood was a life­guard at Renton’s Ken­ny­dale Beach.
  3. IKEA makes it Wash­ing­ton State home here – Ren­ton has the only IKEA in the state
  4. Leg­endary gui­tarist Jim­my Hen­drix is buried here.
  5. Home of the Rub­ber Ducky Derby
  6. Seat­tle Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val is host­ed every year at the IKEA Per­form­ing Arts Center
  7. Boe­ing is head­quar­tered in Renton.

Who is the Ideal Advertising Sales Manager Candidate for this Job?

The right indi­vid­ual will be a high­ly orga­nized, respon­si­ble, self-moti­vat­ed, cus­tomer-comes-first prob­lem solver who thrives in an excit­ing, hec­tic, fast-paced sales envi­ron­ment and can bal­ance a vari­ety of respon­si­bil­i­ties. He or she will have a proven track record of sales and rev­enue growth, the abil­i­ty to think ahead of the curve, and also pos­sess the moti­va­tion­al tech­niques required to devel­op a suc­cess­ful staff and exceed rev­enue tar­gets in print and online.

Appli­cants should have 1–2 years of man­age­ment expe­ri­ence as well as media and online sales/marketing expe­ri­ence.  Posi­tion also requires use of per­son­al vehi­cle, pos­ses­sion of valid WA State Dri­ver’s License and proof of active vehi­cle insurance.

Why Sound Publishing is a Great Place to Work: 

Found­ed in 1987, Sound Pub­lish­ing, Inc. is the largest com­mu­ni­ty news orga­ni­za­tion in Wash­ing­ton State. Today, more peo­ple read Sound Pub­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ty news­pa­pers than tra­di­tion­al dailies in the mar­kets we cover.

We offer a com­pet­i­tive salary and ben­e­fits pack­age includ­ing health insur­ance, paid time off (vaca­tion, sick, and hol­i­days), and 401K (cur­rent­ly with an employ­er match.)

If you meet the above qual­i­fi­ca­tions and are seek­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be part of a ven­er­a­ble media com­pa­ny, email us your resume and cov­er let­ter along with salary require­ments to  or mail to: Sound Pub­lish­ing, Inc., 19426 68th Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032, ATTN: REN. No phone calls please.

Sound Pub­lish­ing is an Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ty Employ­er (EOE) and strong­ly sup­ports diver­si­ty in the work­place.  Check out our web­site to find out more about us!


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