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Sales Executives will never be poked with a sharp stick at Stack Exchange!!!

So if you’ve nev­er heard of Stack Exchange, and I won’t hold it against you, I haven’t either. Although after read­ing the phi­los­o­phy and his­to­ry, I’m intrigued. For you Sales Exec­u­tives out there, it goes a lit­tle some­thing like this. They think you should work in the best envi­ron­ment, with the smartest peo­ple, doing chal­leng­ing and dif­fer­ent things every day. You’ll be hap­pi­est if you receive stock options, free lunch­es, and top-notch ben­e­fits, so they’ll give you those things too. In fact, they’ll give you what­ev­er you need to get your job done.

Stack Exchange is a group of peo­ple who are try­ing to make the inter­net a bet­ter place. They are build­ing an incred­i­ble team and work hard to make sure every new hire is the best fit possible.

Wow, but that of course is the hard­est part with all of these hip com­pa­nies, fit­ting in. If you can daz­zle them with your tal­ent, pas­sion and poten­tial, you’ll get to work with some of the smartest and friend­liest peo­ple you’ll ever meet.

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The Stack Exchange Mission

Their mis­sion is sim­ple: “Make the Inter­net a bet­ter place to get expert answers to your ques­tions.” They’ve already done that for pro­gram­ming ques­tions (with Stack Over­flow), but there are a mil­lion oth­er fields that need a sim­i­lar com­mu­ni­ty. They’ve already got amaz­ing sites for pro­gram­mers, sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors, gamers, pho­tog­ra­phers and tons of oth­ers. They even help peo­ple find amaz­ing new jobs, backed by the cred­i­bil­i­ty that they’ve built on the system.

It start­ed with Stack Over­flow for pro­gram­ming-relat­ed ques­tions and answers, and now we’ve expand­ed to more than 100 expert sites focused on top­ics like cook­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, and the Eng­lish lan­guage. They’re con­sis­tent­ly one of the Internet’s top 50 most traf­ficked sites, and we’re just get­ting start­ed. Stack Exchange employs a smart group of self-starters who are just launch­ing their careers, and sea­soned pros who rec­og­nize the mutu­al ben­e­fit of work­ing at a grow­ing, thriv­ing tech company.

Stack Over­flow Careers match­es great pro­gram­mers on Stack Over­flow with great jobs. Pro­gram­mers cre­ate pro­files high­light­ing their work on Stack Over­flow, which gives employ­ers an in-depth look at their exper­tise. Employ­ers search for pro­gram­mers by loca­tion, objec­tive, and skills, and screen them based on peer-reviewed work.

Who is the right Sales Exec­u­tive for Stack Exchange?

As a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Stack Over­flow Careers, you’ll be respon­si­ble for the full sales cycle and will grow busi­ness through the sale of dig­i­tal job adver­tise­ments and sub­scrip­tion access to our resume data­base. You’re a Smart & Gets Things Done sales-mind­ed indi­vid­ual who can cus­tomize your sales approach when deal­ing with clients rang­ing from star­tups to the For­tune 100. You want to be with a col­lab­o­ra­tive team where your expe­ri­ences, your effort, and ideas will mat­ter. You’re relaxed yet pro­fes­sion­al, elo­quent yet casu­al, and pleas­ant yet per­sua­sive. Most impor­tant­ly, you want to believe in the prod­uct you’re sell­ing and take a per­son­al inter­est in the growth of Careers.

Can you devel­op new busi­ness on Stack Over­flow Careers and sus­tain a sta­ble sales pipeline via phone, email, social media, and net­work­ing. How about tai­lor­ing pro­pos­als for each prospect based on their spe­cif­ic needs. Uh oh, here’s a toughie, be a hum­ble and lev­el-head­ed advo­cate, always act­ing in the best inter­est of each client.

They’re look­ing for Col­lege degree (BA/BS) with GPA of 3.0+, min­i­mum of 1–3 years of rel­e­vant sales
expe­ri­ence with dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing, SaaS sales/marketing, and/or account man­age­ment preferred.
Strong cold call­ing, net­work­ing, and busi­ness devel­op­ment skills.

Good pay + uncapped com­mis­sion, 20 days paid vaca­tion, Flex­i­ble hours, Stock options. Com­plete­ly free health insur­ance (no copay, no pre­mi­ums). Great office w/ espres­so bar, games, and free dai­ly lunches
Gym mem­ber­ship reim­burse­ment, Trans­porta­tion reimbursement.

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