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Tablets Get Their Own Ads Thanks to Mojiva

With a reach of over one bil­lion devices and with over 270 mil­lion of those devices based in the US, mobile ad cam­paign spe­cial­ists Moji­va have decid­ed to tar­get ads just at tablets. There are around 40 mil­lion tablets in the US at present, and

Why big data startups can expect big investment

Tech­nol­o­gy star­tups spe­cial­iz­ing in big data are set for extra­or­di­nar­i­ly lucra­tive times, accord­ing to a new report from Gart­ner Research. In news guar­an­teed to bring a smile to the face of every chief rev­enue offi­cer and busi­ness devel­op­ment asso­ciate in the land, Gartner’s research suggests

Internet advertising revenues climb to $17 billion

Data from the Inter­ac­tive Adver­tis­ing Bureau shows that online adver­tis­ing sales rev­enue for the first half of 2012 surged by 14 per­cent, achiev­ing a record-break­ing high­point of $17 bil­lion. The growth, which occurs in the con­text of ini­tia­tives to improve com­mu­ni­ca­tions between ad agen­cies and

Twitch Makes Videogames the New Sports

Can a Video game get high­er rat­ings than the Super Bowl? This may soon become a real­i­ty. Coun­tries like Korea and Japan have already been fea­tur­ing video game tour­na­ments as enter­tain­ment, with peo­ple reg­u­lar­ly flock­ing to phys­i­cal venues, tele­vi­sions and their com­put­ers to watch the world’s

Palate, the new specialist culinary shop, enters Adland

For­mer Saveur pub­lish­ing exec­u­tive Mer­rii Lee Kingsly is switch­ing careers to head a new ad agency spe­cial­iz­ing in the culi­nary mar­ket. Sched­uled to be launched short­ly in New York, the new ven­ture – “Palate” – is the brain­child of the gener­ic, Texas-based agency FKM. The

Omnicom reveals revenue share venture with mobile ad firm Amobee

Details of a unique rev­enue shar­ing joint-ven­­ture are emerg­ing between the mighty ad hold­ing com­pa­ny, Omni­com, and the up-and-com­ing mobile adver­tis­ing firm Amobee. Adver­tis­ing jug­ger­naut Omni­com owns a pletho­ra of promi­nent agen­cies, includ­ing TBWA, DDB and BBDO, and its pact with Amobee marks a striking

HooteSuite’s new command center brings mission control to businesses

The pop­u­lar Van­cou­ver based social media dash­board Hoot­Suite is unveil­ing a com­pre­hen­sive new “Com­mand Cen­ter” prod­uct, which will give enter­pris­es a mas­ter con­trol for man­ag­ing real-time social media con­ver­sa­tions con­cern­ing their brand. Com­mu­ni­ty man­agers and social media man­agers of all stripes will be intrigued by the

Can an app improve mental wellbeing?

Research sug­gests that over a quar­ter of peo­ple will suf­fer with a men­tal health prob­lem at some point in their lives and pret­ty soon these peo­ple could be access­ing an app rather than under­go­ing ther­a­py. The team behind social game Super­Bet­ter claim they can now