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Can Social Media Save the TV Star?

Can Social Media decide the fate of TV Shows? Not yet, but maybe some day. While a lot of social media buzz for an upcom­ing show should at least pique the inter­ests of adver­tis­ers, this atten­tion has­n’t always result­ed in high rat­ings for the next hit show.

Moolah Media doubles monthly revenue as real-time bidding platform launches

San Fran­­cis­­co-based mobile adver­tis­ing start­up Moolah Media has just announced that its lat­est brain­child, a much-pub­­li­­cized real-time bid­ding plat­form, is being tak­en out of beta. Why a real-time bid­ding plat­form? Moolah has tak­en the grow­ing use of smart­phones and tablets for “retail ther­a­py” seri­ous­ly from the

The Top 5 Companies Fighting for Likes on Facebook

How like­able do you need to be to obtain over 100,000 Likes per day?  As they say…things go bet­ter with Coke! In our social media-dom­i­­nat­ed age, a brand just wants to be liked. Or more specif­i­cal­ly, have their page “liked” on Face­book, which has become one