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Tadaa scoops half a million new users as Instagram wobbles

Ham­burg-based pho­­to-shar­ing firm Tadaa appears to be cap­i­tal­iz­ing hand­some­ly on Instagram’s recent ToS woes, announc­ing that it has received trans­fers of more than 3 mil­lion pho­tos from the trou­bled Face­book acqui­si­tion just two weeks after adding an ‘Insta­gram import’ app. Guar­an­teed to impress the jobbing

Noah Kagan – Eccentric Genius or Maverick?

Noah Kagan – Maverick or Eccentric Genius?

He cuts a mer­cu­r­ial shape across the tech land­scape, but the famous­ly for­mer Face­book #30 Noah Kagan has final­ly put the record straight and moved on. Kagan’s noto­ri­ous ejec­tion from Face­book Tow­ers in 2006 has passed into tech folk­lore as a les­son in how not to

Dating gets a makeover as Tinder keeps it simple

Dating gets a makeover as Tinder keeps it simple

Estab­lished dat­ing out­fits could be in line for a shake­up if new start-up Tin­der gets its way. In a move bound to excite the inter­est of social media man­agers and con­tent man­agers, the LA-based firm aims to exploit the tech­no-savvy of the mobile gen­er­a­tion while removing