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media startup raises $2.3 million in Series A funding

Job­bing social media man­agers and com­mu­ni­ty man­agers may find the sto­ry behind the Detroit-based social media start­up an inspir­ing one. Giv­en that it’s just secured Series A fund­ing total­ing $2.3 mil­lion, it’s clear­ly doing some­thing very right. A small idea leads to big suc­cess Strik’s

Tumblr says yes to mobile advertising with new app

Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies have a new app to focus their atten­tions on thanks to a new ini­tia­tive by the blog net­work Tum­blr. The rise of mobile It’s only a few months since six-year-old Tum­blr start­ed let­ting adver­tis­ers pay for opti­mal place­ment but, accord­ing to its

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Business Development Manager — New York

Sum­ma­ry: The Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er is respon­si­ble for the find­ing new prospects, on board­ing and day-to-day man­age­ment of ReviMedia’s lead buy­ing clients in mul­ti­ple ver­ti­cals, includ­ing insur­ance and auto­mo­tive. The Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er reports to COO and will be work­ing close­ly with the mar­ket­ing managers

Synapsify brings new meaning to data analysis and bags $600,000 seed funding

Data analy­sis: it’s all about count­ing num­bers, isn’t it? Not accord­ing to tech ana­lyt­ics firm Synap­si­fy, which has just announced a thump­ing $600,000 in seed fund­ing cour­tesy of ICG Ven­tures, Mid­dle­land Cap­i­tal and For­ti­fy Ven­tures. Can­ny chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cers, chief rev­enue offi­cers and busi­ness development