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Pay-Per-Face, the Next Wave of Targeted Advertising Analysis

Pay-Per-Face, the Next Wave of Targeted Advertising Analysis

What is “pay-per-face” or “pay-per-look”? Well it’s a way for adver­tis­ers to charge you for very spe­cif­ic and tar­get­ed views of con­tent. Mia­­mi-based AdMo­bi­lize (jobs at AdMo­bi­lize), is expand­ing its con­cept of “Google Ana­lyt­ics for the real world.” The com­pa­ny has released a sec­ond ver­sion of

What are the Five Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in New York?

What are the Five Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in New York?

So, what are data ana­lyst jobs? Accord­ing to, data ana­lysts per­form dif­fer­ent tasks which are fun­da­men­tal­ly relat­ed to gath­er­ing, orga­niz­ing, and under­stand­ing sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion. The exact nature of the job dif­fers from pro­fes­sion to pro­fes­sion, although in any capac­i­ty, the work would be looking

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Jobs in New York

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Jobs in New York

Accord­ing to the Forbes list of the top 10 best cities for mar­ket­ing jobs, New York is among the mar­ket­ing cities where mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als can eas­i­ly and effec­tive­ly find mar­ket­ing jobs. The jobs range from work­ing with cos­met­ic com­pa­nies to work­ing with bank­ing and finance