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What are the Five Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in New York?

So, what are data ana­lyst jobs? Accord­ing to, data ana­lysts per­form dif­fer­ent tasks which are fun­da­men­tal­ly relat­ed to gath­er­ing, orga­niz­ing, and under­stand­ing sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion. The exact nature of the job dif­fers from pro­fes­sion to pro­fes­sion, although in any capac­i­ty, the work would be look­ing for ways to assign numer­i­cal val­ues to var­i­ous busi­ness func­tions, and they are respon­si­ble to deter­mine effi­cien­cies, pos­i­tive improve­ments, and prob­lem areas.

One of the most essen­tial things that a data ana­lyst does is to gath­er, sort, then study the var­i­ous sets of infor­ma­tion. This could look very dif­fer­ent in any set­ting, how­ev­er, this is typ­i­cal­ly relat­ed to nail down a fixed val­ue to a func­tion or process so it could be assessed, then com­pared over time.

Accord­ing to Geof­frey Moore, author of Cross­ing of the Chasm and Inside the Tor­na­do, with­out big data ana­lyt­ics, com­pa­nies would be deaf and blind, with­out ana­lyt­ics, a com­pa­ny is vul­ner­a­ble. On the oth­er hand, an ana­lyt­ic tool is not enough. Extract­ing the val­ue from the ana­lyt­ics invest­ment needs staff, a well-defined process, lead­er­ship strat­e­gy, and a clear strat­e­gy for business.

Accord­ing to, a data ana­lyst can earn an aver­age salary for up to $53.371 every year. The skills which increase the pay for this job the most are SAS, Data Warehouse/ Data Min­ing, Microsoft SQL Serv­er, and Data Modeling.

Accord­ing to, the aver­age salary of a data ana­lyst in New York City is $62,228. And the five high­est pay­ing data ana­lyst job in New York are:

  1. Vitech Sys­tems Group. (12 Vitech Sys­tems Group New York City Salaries).
  2. Ziff Broth­ers Invest­ments. (8 Ziff Broth­ers Invest­ments New York City Salaries).
  3. J.P. Mor­gan. (7 J.P. Mor­gan New York City Salaries (of 17)).
  4. Bloomberg L.P. (47 Bloomberg L.P. New York City Salaries of 1450)
  5. Gabriels Tech­nol­o­gy Solu­tions. (17 Gabriels Tech­nol­o­gy Solu­tions New York City Salaries)

In order for a per­son to become a data ana­lyst, he or she must have a min­i­mum edu­ca­tion­al attain­ment of a bachelor’s degree, on the oth­er hand, there are a lot of com­pa­nies who pre­fer their appli­cants to have an advance degree, this is due to the fact that data analy­sis usu­al­ly requires a cre­ation of com­plex algo­rithms and ana­lysts and should have an advanced skills in quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis and math­e­mat­ics. At the same time, data ana­lysts might need a spe­cial­ized knowl­edge which is con­nect­ed to the indus­tries where they are working.

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