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Casper is looking for a friendly Social Media Producer in New York

Well this seems pret­ty straight for­ward, you just have to be an awe­some social media pro­duc­er. They obvi­ous­ly want some­one who is too cool for school to do all of their social media. You prob­a­bly have to be snarky as well. Sleep start-up Casper is seek­ing a social media pro­duc­er who is high­ly adept at cre­at­ing con­tent and devel­op­ing audi­ences across all social platforms.

They claim to not be look­ing for a bland, #hash­tag hap­py social media man­ag­er to sched­ule tweets. We want a cre­ative, for­ward-think­ing inno­va­tor with an eye for style and knack for gen­er­at­ing like and RTs with­out even try­ing. This indi­vid­ual will devel­op and pub­lish assets for social chan­nels includ­ing Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Houzz, Vine, Pin­ter­est, Red­dit and Snapchat.

Casper ( is a sleep start­up that launched with an out­ra­geous­ly com­fort­able mat­tress sold direct­ly to con­sumers. The crit­i­cal­ly¬ acclaimed sleep sur­face was devel­oped in-house by a team of prod­uct engi­neers with expe­ri­ence from IDEO and NASA, has a sleek design, and is deliv­ered right to your door in a small, “how did they do that?”

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So who is the ide­al Social Media Pro­duc­er for Casper?

Do you have 2–4 years’ expe­ri­ence in social media? How about that ever impor­tant meme knowl­edge? Expe­ri­ence cre­at­ing social assets, plat­form R&D, and sto­ry devel­op­ment with a def­i­nite love for ani­mat­ed gifs. Expe­ri­ence with Adobe CS and Final Cut Pro for short-form video, supe­ri­or Insta­gram and Pin­ter­est skills. You have got to have excel­lent writ­ten and visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills.

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What does Casper have to say about their company?

Our busi­ness mod­el cen­ters on remov­ing retail costs and re-engi­neer­ing the sup­ply chain in order to cre­ate a bet­ter mat­tress at a frac­tion of the tra­di­tion­al cost. By mak­ing the Casper from supe­ri­or, resilient mate­ri­als, we are able to com­press and ship the bed in cost effec­tive, and most impor­tant­ly, con­ve­nient ways for you. This allows us to prof­itably sell the Casper for three times less than what it would cost in a store.