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Five Timely Exclusive Advertising Executive Jobs in New York

New York is one of the best cities to find an exclu­sive exec­u­tive adver­tis­ing job because it is home to these top 10 adver­tis­ing agen­cies: Y&R, McCann World Group, dentsu, DDB, and Ogilvy & Math­er. Exec­u­tive jobs in adver­tis­ing are more lucra­tive than when Shelly Lazarus began in 1976. Most adver­tis­ing execs receive a medi­an salary of around $167,694 annu­al­ly. How­ev­er, salaries are not the only area to change. Those in adver­tis­ing reach more peo­ple with a greater range of adver­tis­ing options.

Accord­ing to the gov­ern­ment Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics, Adver­tis­ing and Pro­mo­tion Man­agers are the 23rd high­est pay­ing job in New York City at $143,650.

New York is Num­ber One for Adver­tis­ing Exec­u­tive Jobs

New York proves to be the top spot for job­less mar­ket­ing pros. Employ­ers in the New York metro area are look­ing to fill over 1,000 adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing posi­tions across a range of indus­tries, plac­ing it at the top of the list says Forbes Magazine.

The growth of the tech indus­try in the New York has cre­at­ed an ongo­ing demand for Adver­tis­ing Executives.

New York is also home to some of the top media com­pa­nies includ­ing NBC Uni­ver­sal, Dis­ney ABC, CBS and Viacom.

An orga­ni­za­tion that cross­es both the tech­ni­cal and media indus­tries is one of the most pro­lif­ic and Buz­zfeed is look­ing for over 100 new peo­ple right now.

When Shelly Lazarus, Chair­man Emer­i­tus, start­ed at Ogilvy, an agent in adver­tis­ing or an adver­tis­ing exec­u­tive the 1960s could adver­tise on tele­vi­sion, radio, out­doors and print.

“The big deci­sions were whether you were going to run on prime­time or day­time or night, and which women’s mag­a­zines were you going to run print ads,” Lazarus said.

Chang­ing times have changed an adver­tis­ing executive’s Options in New York

Today, those with careers in adver­tis­ing, in New York, have a num­ber of ways they can com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers, tar­get peo­ple, and gain infor­ma­tion. An exec­u­tive in adver­tis­ing knows whom they are speak­ing and wel­comes cus­tomer respons­es. It was dif­fer­ent when Lazarus began at Ogilvy.

The Inter­net has changed how these dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing exec­u­tives or adver­tis­ing admin­is­tra­tors reach con­sumers. In order to work at the world’s most elite adver­tis­ing agen­cies, must have at least a bachelor’s degree and at least 15 years of expe­ri­ence in advertising.

Roles have also changed for an exec­u­tive of adver­tis­ing, radio account exec­u­tives, news­pa­per pub­lish­ers, and adver­tis­ing sales direc­tors who over­see­ing the cre­ation of ads have more responsibilities.

Hottest careers for those who dream of reach­ing ‘Top Adver­tis­ing Exec­u­tive’ in NY companies

If you are think­ing becom­ing an adver­tis­ing direc­tor or have more ambi­tious goals, remem­ber salaries for high-rank­ing adver­tis­ers vary widely.

Here are five of the best jobs in advertising:

Havas World­wide – Exec­u­tive Dig­i­tal Pro­duc­er – This agency is the first to be named “Glob­al Agency of the Year” and “Cam­paign” in the same year. The com­pa­ny has 11,000 employ­ees. Begin­ning salary is $112,599, accord­ing to Glassdoor.
Young and Rubi­cam Y&R — Account Exec­u­tive — Work­ing in the adver­tis­ing exec­u­tive field pays. Start­ing salary for an account exec­u­tive is $133,885 at the exclu­sive ad com­pa­ny; Y&R.
McCann World­wide – Account­ing Direc­tor in Health – If you want to be part of poten­tial­ly sav­ing someone’s life by devel­op­ing the com­mu­ni­ca­tion need­ed about life-sav­ing phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, this job lets you be cre­ative. Accord­ing to Pay Scale, start­ing salary in this super­vi­so­ry role is $92,591.
Ogilvy – Assis­tant Account Exec­u­tive – This is a great job to have if you want to serve in a sup­port­ing role to an account exec­u­tive, with a max­i­mum salary of 46,000.
Dentsu Aegis Media – Assis­tant Search Engine Opti­miza­tion – If you under­stand SEO algo­rithms in-depth and want a career where you learn new skills. Accord­ing to Moz, start­ing salary for this posi­tion is $45,000 to $85,000 at the top of the market.

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