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Can SyncThink Read Your Mind?

Can SyncThink Read Your Mind?

Boston-based Sync­Think has received their tenth patent in the US, if it holds up to legal chal­lenges from oth­er VR com­pa­nies explor­ing sim­i­lar advances. The patent is relat­ed to track­ing eye move­ments in vir­tu­al real­i­ty head­sets, an appli­ca­tion which they’ve already put to good med­ical use

Why you want to work at Yext – Scaling Local Information Globally

Yext Why You Should Work There – Scaling Local Information Globally

Yext is the kind of tech that you don’t real­ize is there. It just blends in to an applic­a­ble sit­u­a­tion sit­u­a­tion seam­less­ly and unno­ticed and, most impor­tant­ly, works. This is exact­ly the kind of tech­nol­o­gy that busi­ness­es need in order to make sure that their local data is up

Hulu is where you want to work heres why

Why a Job at Hulu is Better than Netflix

Here is why a job at Hulu could be bet­ter than work­ing at Net­flix. Hulu is bring­ing on big brand names and exist­ing audi­ences to grow their sub­scriber base.  They just intro­duced live tv sta­tions and the top pay tv ser­vices. While Hulu’s 32 million

Why You Want to Work at Moogsoft

Why You Want to Work at Moogsoft

Moog­soft AIOps helps enter­prise IT Oper­a­tions and DevOps teams become smarter, faster, and more effec­tive. Their machine lan­guage algo­rith­mic soft­ware pro­vides a high qual­i­ty of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, enable dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion (while ensur­ing sta­bil­i­ty), and oper­ates effi­cient­ly via real-time machine learn­ing. If this sound com­pli­cat­ed, it is!

why you want to work at magic leap

Why a Magic Leap Job Could be for You

If you are inter­est­ed in vir­tu­al real­i­ty, then Mag­ic Leap may be the com­pa­ny for you. Non-shock­­ing, non-spoil­er alert of the day: vir­tu­al real­i­ty is the next big thing. Yawn, of course it is. We’re just sit­ting here wait­ing for the prod­uct that’s going to