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Social Media

Barack Obama

Will Instagram Elect the President?

Barak Oba­ma is bet­ting that its not what is said but what is seen that mat­ters. The Oba­ma cam­paign has cho­sen Instra­gram as its pre­ferred bat­tle ground in a fer­vent bid to secure the youth vote. Every minute of every day 3600 images are uploaded to

Facebook’s New 12 Member Marketing Fraternity

  12 com­pa­nies have just been award­ed exclu­sive mem­ber­ship in a club with almost 1 Bil­lion con­stituents. On Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 20th, Face­book award­ed the 12 best social mar­ket­ing tool and ser­vice providers with a new title of “Strate­gic Pre­ferred Mar­ket­ing Devel­op­er,” like a mem­ber­ship to

SumZero — the new kid on the social media block

New social media arrival Sum Zero is set to cor­ner a niche zone of the mar­ket by offer­ing a meet­ing place and sound­ing board for investors from around the world. In a devel­op­ment almost cal­cu­lat­ed to whet the inter­ests of the job­bing con­tent man­ag­er and social

Zuckerberg sets mobile optimization as Facebook’s top priority

Facebook’s Mark Zucker­berg has come out fight­ing after a three-month silence in which the social net­work­ing giant’s share val­ue has tum­bled alarm­ing­ly. Speak­ing at the Techcrunch Dis­rupt con­fer­ence on Wednes­day, Zucker­berg can­did­ly addressed the fraught issue of his company’s fal­ter­ing efforts to grasp the mobile

Can Swaylo acquisition boost Facebook’s fortunes?

The can­ny social media man­ag­er with his fin­ger on the market’s pulse may be inter­est­ed to hear that Face­book Inc. is poised to buy Threadsy Inc., the start­up soft­ware provider behind the cel­e­brat­ed social ana­lyt­ics tool Sway­lo. The move paves the way for Face­book to


Google’s got a new toy – but what’s next for Wildfire?

Nev­er a busi­ness to let the grass grow under its feet, it seems Google has added to its ever-increas­ing sta­ble with the recent acqui­si­tion of social media mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ists Wild­fire. Found­ed in 2008, Wild­fire has more than 400 employ­ees and man­ages the social media marketing


How do I Use LinkedIn to Find a Job

Find­ing a job is no longer sim­ply about using job search engines, list­ings, indus­try pub­li­ca­tions and your imme­di­ate friends and rela­tions, it is about using mod­ern social and pro­fes­sion­al  net­works to help build up pro­fes­sion­al con­tacts to get ahead, and the best and most popular