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5 Critical Research Tools Necessary for a Successful Job Search

Despite the glob­al reces­sion, job oppor­tu­ni­ties are still every­where to be seen, and this process is made more suc­cess­ful with the use of job research tools. There are many research tools to give job seek­ers a bet­ter chance of land­ing a good job, and the best pro­vide you with the valu­able infor­ma­tion you need to get ahead. This guide takes a look at 5 crit­i­cal tools avail­able to you for mak­ing your job hunt a suc­cess­ful one.

Job Search Websites

Of all the ways to find a new job, job search web­sites give you the most infor­ma­tion for the small­est amount of effort. Instead of using them to search for jobs how­ev­er, it is more effi­cient to reg­is­ter your pro­file with them and to get noti­fied when jobs that suit your spec­i­fi­ca­tion, skills and expe­ri­ence come onto the market.

Career Map­ping

The biggest job search web­sites offer a career map­ping tool which helps you visu­alise and under­stand your career options based on the resume infor­ma­tion you pro­vide. With this tool you can browse what career direc­tions are open to you, or you can enter a desired job tar­get and work back­wards to see the steps you would need to take to get there. You can save the results and then receive job offers based on them. This tool is great to help make sense of the ever evolv­ing and diver­si­fy­ing state of job markets.

Job Advice Forums

The best research info often comes from advice forums that you see on almost every job seek­er web­site. Forums con­tain for­ma­tion on all aspects of job hunt­ing and career plan­ning, also giv­ing you the chance to com­mu­ni­cate with experts on an impar­tial basis. With many web­sites with arti­cles on job seek­ing, you can nev­er be sure just how much the writer cares, but forums are

Job Blogs

Job blog arti­cles vary in accu­ra­cy and qual­i­ty, and while there are a num­ber of estab­lished job and career blogs with plen­ty of infor­ma­tion that can help your research, list­ings that show the best job search blog posts over a cer­tain peri­od of time are the eas­i­est way to find the most use­ful blog entries.

The Ana­lyst Approach

One of the best tools at your dis­pos­al in regards to job hunt­ing is ana­lyst infor­ma­tion. This is not a spe­cif­ic tool for a spe­cif­ic aspect of your job search, but rather a gen­er­al research strat­e­gy that keeps you informed about the most impor­tant aspects of employ­ment, includ­ing mar­ket trends, recruit­ment insid­er infor­ma­tion, and advice to bet­ter your pro­fes­sion­al pro­file. The first step of the ana­lyst approach is to search for careers busi­ness web­sites, and to sign up for email newslet­ters in the most rel­e­vant mar­ket sec­tors. In this way you will receive cur­rent infor­ma­tion about employ­ment, career devel­op­ment and entre­pre­neur­ship and updates for your spe­cif­ic mar­ket. Most impor­tant­ly, you get info on the cur­rent finan­cial state of mar­kets, com­pa­nies, star­tups and indi­vid­u­als so you can nar­row down the best opportunities.

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