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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Jobs in New York

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Jobs in New York

Accord­ing to the Forbes list of the top 10 best cities for mar­ket­ing jobs, New York is among the mar­ket­ing cities where mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als can eas­i­ly and effec­tive­ly find mar­ket­ing jobs. The jobs range from work­ing with cos­met­ic com­pa­nies to work­ing with bank­ing and finance

VR Gameshows: Compete with the World and Win Prizes.

VR Gameshow: Compete with the World and Win Prizes.

So what do you think of when you com­bine super high fideli­ty 3D, real-time stream­ing, and glob­al con­nec­tiv­i­ty? You get a VR Gameshow called “The Future Uni­verse”. If all goes well next year will be the first time TV view­ers and mobile-device own­ers will participate

What are the 5 highest paying social media jobs in New York?

What are the 5 highest paying social media jobs in New York?

With social media trans­form­ing the world of mar­ket­ing and shift­ing the dig­i­tal space into a new, rev­o­lu­tion­ary phase, there have been many social media jobs avail­able in New York. Along with that, doors have opened for busi­ness­es want­i­ng to estab­lish a sta­ble online pres­ence and

Do you need Coding School to survive?

Do you need Coding School to Survive the Media Melee?

How many of you feel like the only way to get a job in media nowa­days is to have a cod­ing school back­ground? If this is the case, don’t feel like you’re wrong, there are cur­rent­ly hun­dreds of cod­ing schools pop­ping up every­where for the

Punched by a Hologram? Interactive Holograms you can feel.

Punched by a Hologram? Interactive Holograms you can feel.

Here’s the future for mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ers. Imag­ine dis­play­ing holo­graph­ic prod­ucts that you can not only touch but will react with you. Pic­ture a float­ing can of Coca-Cola that you could grab and pre­tend to drink, or a crispy pota­to chip you could place in

What are the five Highest-Paying Marketing Jobs in New York?

When hir­ing one of the high­est paid mar­ket­ing agents in the coun­try, what two key skills do HR hir­ing man­agers look for? One thing recruiters look at is skills. Mike Stein­erd, Direc­tor of Recruit­ing at Indeed, says soft skills are most mean­ing­ful for hir­ing companies.

Priceless Art thanks to Ascribe and Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology makes Priceless Art thanks to Ascribe.

So we’ve touched upon this new and strange idea about dig­i­tal scarci­ty in the past with a com­pa­ny called Neon­mob. It turns out anoth­er com­pa­ny, a recent­ly fund­ed start-up called Ascribe allows writ­ers and artists to make unique copies of their work that can be

Ily is taking Family Mobile Phones to the Next Level.

Ily is taking Family Mobile Phones to the Next Level.

Always for­get­ting to call Grand­ma on her birth­day, or just to check in real quick to see how her colonoscopy went? Com­ing soon is a brand new item cre­at­ed just for per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion between fam­i­ly mem­bers. Ily is a con­nect­ed device made for your home