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What are the five Highest-Paying Marketing Jobs in New York?

When hir­ing one of the high­est paid mar­ket­ing agents in the coun­try, what two key skills do HR hir­ing man­agers look for? One thing recruiters look at is skills.

Mike Stein­erd, Direc­tor of Recruit­ing at Indeed, says soft skills are most mean­ing­ful for hir­ing com­pa­nies. These mar­ket­ing com­pa­nies want appli­cants who inspire trust. Com­pa­nies need suc­cess­ful pro­fes­sion­als to fill mar­ket­ing jobs.

New York is one of the best City’s for mar­ket­ing jobs. For mar­ket­ing pros who do not have a job, employ­ers in the Big Apple are look­ing to fill more than 150 jobs in mar­ket­ing, though not all those many be adver­tis­ing positions.

Adver­tis­ers who are incor­po­rat­ing big data into their adver­tis­ing cam­paigns stand to gain more in 2015, as the research firm, IDC, says the big data mar­ket has grown from $3.2 bil­lion in 2010 to $16.9 bil­lion by the end of this year. In 2016, the field of big data is expect­ed to grow to $23.4 bil­lion, accord­ing to a 2010 IDC pre­dic­tion. Top research mar­ket­ing jobs could require a master’s degree.

Why some CMOs and mil­len­ni­als look­ing for mar­ket­ing jobs do not like titles in New York

“I won­der if in five to 10 years whether we should be called chief mar­ket­ing offi­cers any­more,” said Joan Chow, chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer at ConA­gra Foods. Chow said peo­ple do not like to be mar­ket­ed to and sug­gest­ed chang­ing the name from chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer, to chief val­ue officer.

Mar­ket­ing jobs in New York are start­ing to change with the times

Mil­len­ni­als search­ing for a job in mar­ket­ing also do not like type­cast­ing or using sin­gle-word to describe their job role as sim­ply a “mar­keter”. These 20–35-year-olds hold mul­ti­ple titles.

Six­ty-five per­cent of com­pa­ny heads at major New York com­pa­nies, such as Time Warn­er Cable, Amer­i­can Express, Ver­i­zon, and Phillip Mor­ris Inter­na­tion­al, say inte­gra­tion is val­ued. Accord­ing to Buzz Feed, mil­len­ni­als will make up 46 per­cent of the job force by 2020.

Hottest jobs in mar­ket­ing attract­ing younger talent

The mar­ket­ing field is grow­ing. Employ­ees of these jobs are research ana­lysts, ad exec­u­tives, mar­ket­ing sales man­agers, pro­duc­tion assis­tants, and more. Here are some of the hottest jobs.

1.Serino/Coyne – Insights Assis­tant – They may not have Omni­com Group Inc. in their name, but Serino/Coyne is part of the Omni­com Group fam­i­ly. Insights assis­tants ana­lyze prices and offer­ing spe­cial pric­ing. Accord­ing to Glass­door, salaries begin around $41,000.

  1. XO GroupMar­ket­ing Asso­ciate – This adver­tis­ing agency needs a young pro­fes­sion­al to help the com­pa­ny devel­op strate­gic cam­paigns cen­tered about wed­dings. Glass­door reports salaries vary wide­ly, as the salary ranges from $41,000 to $97,000 annually.
  1. Allied Inte­grat­ed Mar­ket­ing Brand Ambas­sador – These pro­fes­sion­als pro­mote com­pa­ny brands. The salary for this job pro­mot­ing any company’s image is $135,000 a year and up.
  1. NBC Uni­ver­salMar­ket­ing Coor­di­na­tor – Why not take a job with one of the country’s largest mul­ti­me­dia com­pa­nies? Com­pa­nies want young employ­ees who can help them sell to the younger con­sumers. Accord­ing to, these coor­di­na­tors may on aver­age, $59,902 annually.
  1. Sales­force - Suc­cess Spe­cial­ist in Cloud Mar­ket­ing – This Com­pa­ny is No. 1 in CRM, and one of the fastest-grow­ing enter­prise soft­ware com­pa­nies. In New York, mar­ket­ing jobs’ spe­cial­ists will earn $73,637 annually.

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