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Why You Want to Work at Amazon

Why You Want to Work at Amazon

After read­ing the recent New York Times arti­cle  Inside Ama­zon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruis­ing Work­place  it occurred to me that the arti­cle wasn’t real­ly about Ama­zon being a dif­fi­cult place to work but rather the sto­ry of Ama­zon being the place to be

zSpace: to boldly go where no 3D VR/AR education tool has gone before.

zSpace: to boldly go where no 3D VR/AR education tool has gone before.

HP has made a prac­ti­cal VR/AR tool for edu­ca­tors, sci­en­tists, and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als that need high fideli­ty sim­u­lat­ed inter­ac­tions with com­put­er-gen­er­at­ed mod­els. They call it the Zyr dis­play, which incor­po­rates four cam­eras for head-track­­ing, a ful­ly gyro­scop­ic sty­lus that allows for both pre­cise point­ing and true

Get the Marketing job you want with these key facts.

Get the Marketing job you want with these key facts.

How many of you have grad­u­at­ed with a B.S. in mar­ket­ing so you could go out and plan pro­mo­tion­al cam­paigns, study con­sumer behav­ior and buy media time – things you learned in col­lege? Then to final­ly get that job inter­view and be asked “how good

On-Demand Manufacturing, MakeTime Inc. coming to a planet near you!

On-Demand Manufacturing, MakeTime Inc. coming to a planet near you!

On-Demand Man­u­fac­tur­ing to the res­cue! Almost 500 man­u­fac­tures have recent­ly signed up as a pur­chas­er or ven­dor of machine time. What does this mean? It means that thanks to a com­pa­ny a lit­tle more than half a year old, com­pa­nies in need of man­u­fac­tur­ing (com­put­er-pro­­grammed

New York Advertising Careers That will Make You Rich

For many recent New York City grad­u­ates, it can be a dif­fi­cult deci­sion decid­ing what type of adver­tis­ing careers to pur­sue. Accord­ing to the CNN Mon­ey, adver­tis­ing careers will increase 16.4 per­cent in the next 10 years. This increase is more than a 1.7 percent

Pay-Per-Face, the Next Wave of Targeted Advertising Analysis

Pay-Per-Face, the Next Wave of Targeted Advertising Analysis

What is “pay-per-face” or “pay-per-look”? Well it’s a way for adver­tis­ers to charge you for very spe­cif­ic and tar­get­ed views of con­tent. Mia­­mi-based AdMo­bi­lize (jobs at AdMo­bi­lize), is expand­ing its con­cept of “Google Ana­lyt­ics for the real world.” The com­pa­ny has released a sec­ond ver­sion of

Can Virtual Personal Trainers make you look like a God?

Can Virtual Personal Trainers make you look like a God?

Would you like vir­tu­al per­son­al train­ers help­ing you out? Could your work­out rou­tine use a non-judg­­men­­tal, yet crit­i­cal observ­er to your rou­tines and tell you what’s wrong and how to fix it for your max­i­mum ben­e­fit? The gam­i­fi­ca­tion of exer­cise might not be a novelty,

What are the Five Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in New York?

What are the Five Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in New York?

So, what are data ana­lyst jobs? Accord­ing to, data ana­lysts per­form dif­fer­ent tasks which are fun­da­men­tal­ly relat­ed to gath­er­ing, orga­niz­ing, and under­stand­ing sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion. The exact nature of the job dif­fers from pro­fes­sion to pro­fes­sion, although in any capac­i­ty, the work would be looking