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Mobile advertising gap widens between Android and iOS

A new report from mobile adver­tis­ing tech com­pa­ny Velti reveals that Android’s mobile ad share has dropped again this year, falling from 41 per cent in May 2012 to 36 per cent in May 2013. The “state of mobile adver­tis­ing” report reveals that, over the same

Coming here soon? The UK mobile advertising explosion

All who work assid­u­ous­ly in media jobs at U.S. mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies can only pray that devel­op­ments in the UK will be repli­cat­ed state­side. Across the pond, the mobile adver­tis­ing mar­ket is poised to dou­ble in 2013, break­ing even last year’s record growth high-point. Smartphone

Mobile video viewing is soaring says Ooyala

Video ana­lyt­ics giant Ooy­ala has inter­est­ing news for mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies: video view­ing is migrat­ing to mobile big-time. Ooyala’s Glob­al Video Index for Q1 2013, which crunched data from 200 mil­lion users in 130 coun­tries, makes for dis­rup­tive read­ing for the tele­vi­sion indus­try, too, especially