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10 Entry Level Media Jobs for the College Graduate

Col­lege grad­u­ates have got their work cut out for them when search­ing for entry lev­el media jobs to enter into. Not only is this a dif­fi­cult and stress­ful process on it’s own, but now these media job seek­ers have a reces­sion to deal with too.

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New Media Jobs — The answer to making money during the recession

New media jobs appear to be the way for­ward in this reces­sion we are cur­rent­ly expe­ri­enc­ing. The media indus­try, although being hit hard as oth­er indus­tries have been, forc­ing news­pa­pers such as the Rocky Moun­tain News and mag­a­zines such as Are­na to close down, is

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Media Job — The Right Career entering the 2009 Job Market

A lot of con­cern has sur­round­ed the media job over the last few months. With the cur­rent reces­sion, and many news­pa­pers and mag­a­zine com­pa­nies clos­ing down, is there any hope left for the media job? There are still pro­fes­sion­als out there who believe there is,