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Media Job — The Right Career entering the 2009 Job Market

A lot of con­cern has sur­round­ed the media job over the last few months. With the cur­rent reces­sion, and many news­pa­pers and mag­a­zine com­pa­nies clos­ing down, is there any hope left for the media job? There are still pro­fes­sion­als out there who believe there is, and believe that it is just a mat­ter of accept­ing that the media job and it’s sur­round­ings are slow­ly tak­ing on a new shape and color. 

Peo­ple are los­ing their media jobs, and loads of the employed are due to endure a cut a salary. But even with this dis­tress­ing truth, there is hope and there are future oppor­tu­ni­ties for media job hope­fuls enter­ing into the 2009 job mar­ket. The Media Job Mar­ket says it best by stat­ing that, “These new­ly unem­ployed, said recruiters, will need to adjust their expec­ta­tions to new indus­try real­i­ties – espe­cial­ly those with tra­di­tion­al back­grounds.” Accord­ing to the same arti­cle, online advert­si­ing media jobs are still very much sta­ble due to mon­ey con­stant­ly flow­ing into that area. With the need for adver­tis­ing your busi­ness being more pru­dent than ever, at least this is one media job that seems to remain untouched by the recession.

Media jobs are not what they used to be, and if tra­di­tion­al media per­son­ell and new media job seek­ers are not pre­pared for the upcom­ing and ever present changes, then the 2009 job mar­ket is not going to be a place where they find the media job they have their hearts set on. The media job mar­ket in it’s entire­ty is a com­pet­i­tive place to stake your claim, so you need to be prop­er­ly equipped to be able to accept the chal­lenge and deal with the com­pe­ti­tion. If you are not pre­pared to “fight” for your media job in the 2009 mar­ket, then the chances are that you wn’t be reward­ed with one. 

With the lim­it­ed num­ber of media jobs avail­able, and the ever expand­ing num­ber of media pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for work, you will more than like­ly have a ratio of avail­able media jobs to avail­able media job appli­cants that is com­plete­ly mis­matched. Obvi­ous­ly with their being far too few media jobs for the amount of peo­ple need­ing work. 

But in say­ing this, at least there is a media indus­try and there are media jobs. 2009 has seen the crush­ing of many indus­tries because there is just not enough of an econ­o­my to sus­tain them. The auto­mo­bile indus­tries have stock sit­ting gath­er­ing dust and rust, crammed into stor­age yards that are miles in length and width. Lack of busi­ness equals cut­ting of jobs to keep busi­ness­es afloat dur­ing the tought times, so that they are at least able to recov­er when the econ­o­my does. Media jobs may not be what they used to be, but 2009 can still see them kick­ing and scream­ing and refus­ing to let go. Media jobs are still avail­able and there is light being shed from the direc­tion of online media jobs and careers.