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New Media Jobs — The answer to making money during the recession

New media jobs appear to be the way for­ward in this reces­sion we are cur­rent­ly expe­ri­enc­ing. The media indus­try, although being hit hard as oth­er indus­tries have been, forc­ing news­pa­pers such as the Rocky Moun­tain News and mag­a­zines such as Are­na to close down, is mak­ing a come­back with new media jobs. New media jobs are not exact­ly new to the media world, but when you think of the tra­di­tion­al media jobs and back­grounds, they are new by this com­par­i­son. New media jobs encom­pass every­thing dig­i­tal, every­thing that is based online, reach­ing towards tele­vi­sion and video and all the tech­no­log­i­cal know how that goes with them. New media jobs are basi­cal­ly all that is not tra­di­tion­al media such as news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines and print media.

With no costs for pub­lish­ing or dis­tri­b­u­tion, new media jobs are on the rise in pop­u­lar­i­ty and avail­abil­i­ty. More increas­es can be seen in the amount of users who are turn­ing to online resources instead of buy­ing the local paper, keep­ing new media jobs active. This is obvi­ous­ly prov­ing detri­men­tal to print net­works, but the vir­tu­al world is reap­ing the ben­e­fits, as are new media jobs and the lucky peo­ple who have them. It makes more sense to be work­ing in the online com­mu­ni­ty of new media jobs, where there are lit­tle costs involved for the dis­tri­b­u­tion of your words over and above the cost of the new media job salaries that pro­mote them.

When look­ing at how oth­er indus­tries have crum­bled as result of the reces­sion, it seems almost too good to be true that new media jobs are still read­i­ly avail­able and even on a steady rise. And new media jobs that are already tak­en by for­tu­nate employ­ees will more than like­ly remain con­stant, as the per­cent­age of lay­offs with­in the new media jobs sec­tor is far less than any oth­er report­ed indus­try, as per an arti­cle writ­ten for the Media Job Mar­ket that was head­ed exact­ly that: “Media Lay­offs Mild Com­pared to Oth­er Indus­tries.” In this arti­cle, Paul Bond from states that a mod­er­ate 7453 jobs were scratched from the media indus­try in Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary 2009, where­as a whop­ping 72727 jobs were cut from the retail indus­try in the same peri­od of time. New media jobs pre­vail!

Although there is an influx of new media jobs avail­able in com­par­i­son to jobs avail­able in oth­er fields, you will still need the skill and expe­ri­ence to back up any appli­ca­tion for new media jobs. At a time like this, peo­ple are des­per­ate for work, but employ­ers are not des­per­ate to fill new media job posi­tions unless they know they have the right can­di­date. With extra pres­sure being placed on com­pa­nies to per­form, find­ing promise in new media job vacan­cies is a lot more chal­leng­ing than it might have been in the past.