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Media Job Listings

UltraHaptics - control everything with just the wave of a hand

UltraHaptics — Control Everything with Just the Wave of a Hand

What is Ultra­Hap­tics up to and where is this tak­ing us?  Sound is a real­ly fas­ci­nat­ing thing. It’s just vibra­tions in space, which the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cists think is what makes up all mat­ter. If you’re an X‑Men fan you’ll remem­ber Ban­shee, the guy who could cause

How Massive Can You Make Virtual Reality, literally?

How Massive Can You Make Virtual Reality, literally?

Ever since the Ocu­lus Rift hit Kick­starter sev­er­al years ago, VR enthu­si­asts have been on the edge of their seats wait­ing for the brave new world pow­ered by vir­tu­al real­i­ty… which to date has been slow to come at best and a dud at worst. Oculus

Can CodeFights Get You That Developer Job?

Can CodeFights Get You That Developer Job?

So you final­ly decid­ed to learn how to code so you could become a pro­gram­mer and still be able to find a job once the robots take over every­thing else. After all, you can learn how to code online for free, so you did­n’t even have

Visionect Can Turn Traffic into an Advertising Opportunity

Visionect Can Turn Traffic into an Advertising Opportunity

“What did that sign say?” If you say you’ve nev­er asked a pas­sen­ger that while dri­ving down a high­way, you’re lying. Sta­t­ic bill­boards and traf­fic signs are easy to miss, espe­cial­ly when you have to con­cen­trate on the road in traf­fic. So what’s the answer

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Ryan  Rogows­ki, CEO and Cofounder of San Fran­cis­co based Way­go Trans­la­tion App believes that with­in our life­time, we’ll be able to trans­late and speak mul­ti­ple lan­guages flu­ent­ly with the help of tech­nol­o­gy. “I think lan­guage as a bar­ri­er is being solved and it’s an exciting

Is the Operator App a media game changer?

Is the Operator App a Media Game Changer?

Have you heard of the Oper­a­tor App? In the old days, we con­sumers would go through the ardu­ous and time con­sum­ing process of get­ting dressed, get­ting in our vehi­cles, and actu­al­ly phys­i­cal­ly dri­ving to a store — or sev­er­al stores — to buy some­thing. Then we

How much money can you make in VR?

How much Money can you make in VR?

As a race, we humans have final­ly hit the wall. Real­i­ty just does­n’t cut it any­more. We need vir­tu­al real­ty ( VR ), aug­ment­ed real­i­ty. mixed real­i­ty. It’s evo­lu­tion. It’s progress. It’s what all the cool kids are talk­ing about. And it’s about to be

What is a chatbot and how can it change your business?

What is a Chatbot and how can it Change your Business?

It’s doubt­ful that many (if any) of our read­ers are con­tem­plat­ing or pur­su­ing a career in low-lev­­el cus­tomer ser­vice, such as tak­ing orders at a fast food restau­rant or work­ing at a call cen­ter answer­ing the most mun­dane ques­tions that con­sumers can think of. If