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How do I Use LinkedIn to Find a Job

Find­ing a job is no longer sim­ply about using job search engines, list­ings, indus­try pub­li­ca­tions and your imme­di­ate friends and rela­tions, it is about using mod­ern social and pro­fes­sion­al  net­works to help build up pro­fes­sion­al con­tacts to get ahead, and the best and most popular

Roku has $45 million To Spend

With recent invest­ments of $45 mil­lion,  Roku is posi­tioned to con­tin­ue its lead­ing role as a stream­ing video play­er for your inter­net enabled TV. Roku is a small device that was designed to stream movies from Net­flix instant­ly on tele­vi­sion. Some indi­vid­u­als who own a

Are Smart TV’s the Next Battlefield?

Hybrid TVs are com­mon­ly referred to as smart TVs and involve the inte­gra­tion of the Inter­net and Web 2.0 fea­tures. This is a new tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment that has been high­ly pop­u­lar among tech savvy indi­vid­u­als. If you are not tech savvy, then you might be

When is a Picture Worth $1,000?

Could a pic­ture be worth $1,000?  A new start­up hopes so. Stip­ple is a com­pa­ny that focus­es on image mon­e­ti­za­tion and social shop­ping on the Inter­net. The tech­nol­o­gy that the com­pa­ny uses is called tag­ging which allows you to tag all copies of an image with

Is Singapore Ready for Groupon?

Tech Asia recent­ly report­ed that Groupon Sin­ga­pore opened the world’s first Groupon retail store in Singapore’s Sun­tec City Mail today. The COO of Groupon, Adri­an Tan, explains that the first shop can be thought of as a “con­cept store.” The prac­ti­cal pur­pose will be to

AppNexus Has Too Much Money – Here’s Why

App­Nexus focus­es on cus­tomiz­able adver­tis­ing tech­nol­o­gy plat­forms and more than bil­lions of ads are clicked each day through their net­work. App­Nexus has raised more than $65 mil­lion in fund­ing and had slight­ly under $20 mil­lion in rev­enue in 2011. This year, their rev­enue is expected

Foursquare v Twitter

The Battle for the Ad Dollars – Foursquare vs Twitter

Is it bet­ter to adver­tise on Twit­ter or Foursquare? Can 20 mil­lion users be more valu­able than 500 mil­lion? Twit­ter and Foursquare offer very dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ments yet they are two of the newest and most vibrant adver­tis­ing pro­grams in the mar­ket­place. With the launch of


Making Friends with Strangers on LinkedIn – Why?

Not talk­ing to strangers is a very use­ful piece of advice giv­en when grow­ing up, but when it comes to LinkedIn there are many poten­tial advan­tages to con­nect­ing with strangers. Not every­one is con­vinced that con­nect­ing with unknowns is ben­e­fi­cial how­ev­er, and so this article