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When is a Picture Worth $1,000?

Could a pic­ture be worth $1,000?  A new start­up hopes so.

Stip­ple is a com­pa­ny that focus­es on image mon­e­ti­za­tion and social shop­ping on the Inter­net. The tech­nol­o­gy that the com­pa­ny uses is called tag­ging which allows you to tag all copies of an image with a label and puts you in con­trol of con­tent and data from your images. Some of the fea­tures that Stip­ple offers include image ana­lyt­ics, adver­tis­ing and mes­sag­ing with­out widgets.

The com­pa­ny was found­ed in 2010 and is a plat­form that enables the tag­ging of places and peo­ple in images that are uploaded to the World Wide Web. The com­pa­ny is pub­li­cal­ly trad­ed and secured $2 mil­lion in seed fund­ing by going pub­lic. The mon­ey that the com­pa­ny received was used to grow the their team and improve their prod­uct, focus­ing on mobile commerce.

This is a good com­pa­ny to work for if you are inter­est­ed in Inter­net tech­nol­o­gy because the com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly has con­tracts with nine pho­to agen­cies, 50 brands and more than 1,300 publishers.

The com­pa­ny also launched a recent fea­ture called Stip­ple Mar­ket­place, which is a prod­uct that allows adver­tis­ing to be deliv­ered via their online plat­form. This is a use­ful alter­na­tive instead of pur­chas­ing images from stock pho­to agen­cies. TechCrunch referred to Stip­ple as “AdWords for Images.” This is because the Stip­ple image net­work lets web­site pub­lish­ers use their pho­tos open­ly and con­sumers can click on prod­ucts which are tagged (and then pur­chase them). The Stip­ple Net­work is con­tin­u­ing to grow and has more than 4,000 active pub­lish­ers and receives more than 3 bil­lion month­ly page views. The com­pa­ny is based in San Fran­cis­co, Cal­i­for­nia. This is some­thing you should con­sid­er if you are think­ing about apply­ing for a job with their company.

The type of tal­ent they are look­ing for like­ly includes expe­ri­enced soft­ware engi­neers, mar­ket­ing man­agers and pos­si­bly indi­vid­u­als with expe­ri­ence in eco­nom­ics or sta­tis­tics to help man­age their rev­enue. The com­pa­ny offers many ben­e­fits to its employ­ees includ­ing med­ical, den­tal and vision insur­ance. Fur­ther­more, they are a block away from AT&T Park. The com­pa­ny is pri­mar­i­ly look­ing for soft­ware engi­neers at the moment, but if you are not a soft­ware engi­neer you might con­sid­er send­ing your resume any­way to see if there are any oth­er open positions.

Stip­ple may change the Inter­net, as we know it by cre­at­ing “intel­li­gent images” instead of tra­di­tion­al images. This is entic­ing for any soft­ware engi­neer that wants to have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the web. The com­pa­ny has tagged more than 800,000 prod­uct pho­tos and is one of the largest e‑commerce com­pa­nies in the world. Blog­gers can take full advan­tage of Stip­ple by adding images to their blog to mon­e­tize their blog. Regard­less, you should strong­ly con­sid­er apply­ing for a job with this com­pa­ny because it is grow­ing quick­ly and is a high­ly suc­cess­ful company.

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