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What Is So Big About Big Data In Advertising?

From July of 2011 to July of 2012 over $75 bil­lion has been spent in social busi­ness IPOs and over $1.5 bil­lion in social busi­ness acqui­si­tions. Right now, many of the social net­works have become well-fund­ed pub­lic com­pa­nies or part of larg­er com­pa­nies. These social

Open Graph Apps Exploding – Are the Jobs Here?

  Open Graph Apps Explod­ing – Are the Jobs Here? The Genie is out of the lamp, with Open Graph soft­ware devel­op­ment jobs con­tin­u­ing their expan­sion and 1,675,685 sites using this tech­nol­o­gy. It is like­ly that a mul­ti­tude of devel­op­ers are at this very minute mobilizing

Advertising to the Marrow

It seems that every busi­ness needs some sort of adver­tis­ing to make them stand out from their com­pe­ti­tion. Even non-prof­its for bone mar­row dona­tion. DKMS Amer­i­c­as, a world­wide orga­ni­za­tion that facil­i­tates bone mar­row trans­plants for peo­ple with blood can­cer, among oth­er seri­ous dis­eases, recent­ly sent

Is 989 an Area Code or a Drink?

989 On Demand sounds like a sala­cious phone num­ber you call late at night, but it is actu­al­ly an inno­v­a­tive prod­uct from H2M Bev­er­ages. The lat­est in a mar­ket full of healthy drinks that promise to bal­ance your elec­trolytes and pro­vide ener­gy. H2M Bev­er­age is

Can the Weatherman Predict the Next Election?

Want­i­ng some of the $9.8 bil­lion pie–estimated 2012 cam­paign spending–The Weath­er Chan­nel has part­nered with Jump­tap to offer mobile ads. Through The Weath­er Chan­nel mobile app, polit­i­cal can­di­dates will be able to have tar­get­ed ads appear on the devices of more than 30 mil­lion TWC

Denon Electronics and BBDO Make Nice

Mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als and audio­philes alike may be inter­est­ed to learn that Denon and BBDO will be launch­ing an ad cam­paign com­prised of a ground­break­ing 75% dig­i­tal media. This may not be unusu­al for, say, a web­site, but it’s unusu­al to see an elec­tron­ics com­pa­ny pushing

WPP PLC shaves 0.5 percent off annual revenue forecast

The biggest adver­tis­ing com­pa­ny in the world, WPP PLC, has just announced a 0.5 per­cent cut in its 2012 rev­enue fore­cast, even though its first-half prof­it rose. The Wall Street Jour­nal reports that the adver­tis­ing leviathan believes its annu­al rev­enue will now be less than the

Doubling UP: $200 Million More for New Video Creators at YouTube

In 2011, Google invest­ed $150 mil­lion into the cre­ation of over 100 YouTube chan­nels, most of which fea­tured exclu­sive con­tent from the likes of The Onion, Slate and The Wall Street Jour­nal. Sev­er­al celebri­ties also joined the effort, includ­ing such media sen­sa­tions as Madon­na, Ashton