DurÂing a recent conÂferÂence NetÂflix CEO Reed HastÂings perÂceived that linÂear TV (basiÂcalÂly cable and satelÂlite serÂvices) would start to decline in viewÂerÂship and that in the next two decades InterÂnet TV would take over. Well the results as of late make his preÂdicÂtions appear to be true. NetÂflix (find jobs at NetÂflix) shares have soared 70% this year as the video streamÂing leader has topped subÂscriber growth expecÂtaÂtions twice; it added nearÂly 2.28 milÂlion domesÂtic memÂbers in its most recent quarÂter, repÂreÂsentÂing nearÂly 20% growth from the preÂviÂous year.
People’s relaÂtionÂship with traÂdiÂtionÂal TV has gradÂuÂalÂly been changÂing; milÂlenÂniÂals have been decreasÂing LinÂear TV conÂsumpÂtion, which dropped by 20% last year. AccordÂing to media research firm MofÂfett Nathanson, pay-TV subÂscripÂtions fell by 31,000 in the first quarÂter. The first set of data on pay-TV subÂscripÂtions for the year has come in, showÂing that the indusÂtry is declinÂing faster than thought.
It’s a cord-cutÂting revÂoÂluÂtion which appears to be accelÂerÂatÂing. Pay-TV subÂscripÂtions fell by 95,000 in 2013 and increased to 125,000 in 2014. About 150,000 pay-TV cusÂtomers canÂceled video serÂvice in the three months that endÂed June 30, accordÂing to estiÂmates pubÂlished on FriÂday by LeichtÂman Research Group. It could be posÂsiÂble this year the lossÂes could be well beyond a milÂlion. TraÂdiÂtionÂal TV viewÂing hours have also plumÂmetÂed by about 10%, an indiÂcaÂtion that conÂsumers are letÂting go of cable and satelÂlite TV but still payÂing for them.
These kind of figÂures should creÂate more comÂpetiÂtors like HBO (find jobs at HBO) and ShowÂtime (find jobs at ShowÂtime) to start cutÂting their cords to offer more streamÂing options; which will only increase the speed of AmerÂiÂcan conÂsumers to do the same. Take for instance Hulu recentÂly purÂchasÂing the entire SeinÂfeld series and a promise to juice up its origÂiÂnal proÂgramÂming in the same fashÂion that Amazon.com has done with its GoldÂen Globe winÂner proÂgram TransÂparÂent and a new TV show creÂatÂed by Woody Allen.
Here are some interÂestÂing stats — the 13 biggest pay-TV serÂvices in the U.S., which account for about 95% of the marÂket, reach 95.3 milÂlion U.S. homes with a pay-TV serÂvice, accordÂing to LeichtÂman’s estiÂmates. Time WarnÂer Cable (find jobs at Time WarnÂer) lost the most with 182,000 defecÂtions, folÂlowed by ComÂcast with 81,000, accordÂing to LeichtÂman. ComÂcast, the biggest cable comÂpaÂny in the U.S., is seekÂing perÂmisÂsion from regÂuÂlaÂtors to buy Time WarnÂer Cable, the indusÂtry’s secÂond-biggest, for $45 billion.
AT&T, with its U‑verse fiber-optic TV serÂvice, picked up the most subÂscribers with 216,000 new cusÂtomers, LeichtÂman said. AT&T is seekÂing perÂmisÂsion to buy satelÂlite-TV provider DirecTV, which lost 28,000 subÂscribers, for $48.5 bilÂlion. It seems like now is the time to be seekÂing a media job with a streamÂing video comÂpaÂny. If you’re already in a linÂear TV job, perÂhaps you need to rethink your future.