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All posts by Cheryl Ross

Event logging startup Sentry launches massively revamped platform

The bug track­ing space has been gen­er­at­ing a good deal of inter­est since Twit­ter acquired mobile crash-report­ing tool Crash­lyt­ics in Jan­u­ary – and error-track­­ing start­up Sen­try is poised to take full advan­tage with the launch of a huge­ly revamped plat­form. Since its ear­ly days a

LockerDome: turbocharged fan pages for turbocharged sports pros

Social media man­agers and con­tent man­agers inclined toward nov­el­ty and inno­va­tion might do well to take heed of the Lock­er­Dome sto­ry – the explo­sive­ly grow­ing social media web­site spe­cial­iz­ing in pro­fes­sion­al sports for pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes. For pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes, the startup’s 30-year old CEO and co-founder,

Could Swipp give Facebook a run for its money?

Being bounced into going pub­lic with your prod­uct by a Face­book rival may not seem like the most pro­pi­tious of starts, but social start­up Swipp is mak­ing a brave fist of it. Face­book has just launched a sim­i­lar prod­uct called “Graph Search”, a move which prompted