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All posts by Cheryl Ross

Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

What if you could talk to mil­lions of peo­ple one at a time and do it in less than 60 sec­onds.  Sprin­klr is the world’s first per­son­al­ized scal­able social media plat­form. Does any­one remem­ber Tweet­deck? It was one of the first social media man­age­ment platforms

Octopus GE ad campaign

General Electric is Prepared for Octopus

Is it even pos­si­ble to stand out and get noticed through adver­tis­ing cam­paigns any­more? Of course, but in an age where almost lit­er­al­ly every­thing you could ever want to know about any­thing is avail­able with a few key­strokes, you may need to use octo­pus­es rain­ing from

NY based StrikeAd ramps up APAC operations with new GM

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up StrikeAd is tak­ing a big leap for­ward with a new gen­er­al man­ag­er, Ryan Mur­ray, for its Sin­ga­pore and APAC office. Smarter mobile adver­tis­ing for smarter agen­cies Peo­ple with media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will almost cer­tain­ly have heard of this New

Image-sharing startup Imgur improves image discovery with new features

Imgur, the pop­u­lar image-shar­ing site, is mak­ing it eas­i­er for users to find the pic­tures they’re inter­est­ed in with some new fea­tures. Find­ing what inter­ests you… Social media man­agers and com­mu­ni­ty man­agers who pre­side over bur­geon­ing com­mu­ni­ties will be famil­iar with the dif­fi­cul­ty users can face

Pond5 moves to conquer more of digital media market

Shutterstock’s rival and younger New York neigh­bor, Pond5, has just announced a wal­lop­ing $61 mil­lion Series A cash injec­tion. User-gen­er­at­ed cre­ativ­i­ty  Prod­uct man­agers toil­ing away in tech firms across the US may like to know how a com­pa­ny which hith­er­to raised only $500k in seed