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Falcon Social eyes push into US market

In a move bound to pique the inter­est of for­ward think­ing com­mu­ni­ty man­agers every­where, Fal­con Social, a social media man­age­ment plat­form that’s run out of Copen­hagen, has announced a big fund­ing injec­tion for its pro­file-rais­ing ambi­tions in the US.

The fund­ing round is being led by Ger­man group Tar­get Part­ners and aims to use the $8 mil­lion dol­lars slush fund to add func­tion­al­i­ty to the Fal­con Social dash­board as well as expand its inter­na­tion­al reach. There’s no doubt there’s some pedi­gree here: Tar­get Part­ners have a decent track record of quit­ting at the top, a hit list that includes ener­gy com­pa­ny JouleX to Cis­co in ear­ly 2013 and Scoreloop – a gam­ing group – to Black­ber­ry in 2011.

And if that’s doesn’t raise eye­brows, then the ques­tion of whether a rel­a­tive new­bie can make head way against some of the big­ger play­ers cer­tain­ly might. Tools that pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive social media work­flow man­age­ment (and enable enter­prise to improve their man­age­ment of social sta­ples such as Face­book, Twit­ter and Linkedin) are becom­ing more pop­u­lar as com­pa­nies strive to cap­i­tal­ize on the tar­get­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties of social – and it’s a space that’s start­ing to fill up with options. After all, play­ers such as Sales­force, Ora­cle, and even search giant Google, have bought up shares in social media man­age­ment out­fits like Bud­dy Media, Wild­fire and Virtue.

The answer to whether Fal­con can carve their own niche amongst the big boys comes down, accord­ing, to CEO Ulrik Bo Larsen, to inno­va­tion. Describ­ing com­peti­tors as pro­duc­ing ‘franken­suites’, he went on to say that larg­er solu­tions do not pro­vide the same lev­el of inte­gra­tion as Fal­con Social, hence the extra tier of com­plex­i­ty present for those social media man­agers and con­tent man­agers who are try­ing to look after all their social media mar­ket­ing from one plat­form.  By way of a con­trast, Larssen went on to draw atten­tion to Fal­con Social’s lev­el of native inte­gra­tion and claimed that this fac­tor more than any saw the com­pa­ny “win” when they bid against the opposition.

It’s not just the CEO that’s fly­ing the flag either; board mem­ber David Car­ratt was keen to empha­size that the mod­ern mar­ket is look­ing for mod­ern answers:  “The Face­book gen­er­a­tion is doing social media mar­ket­ing, and they won’t tol­er­ate old tools. They want some­thing that is inte­grat­ed but is a great look­ing product.”

Stir­ring stuff, but where’s the evi­dence? Well, in the last year, Fal­con have signed up some ‘stature’ brands such as Swarovs­ki and Schweppes, so it looks like this is one space that’s def­i­nite­ly worth watching.

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