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Search and the story of the Media Coordinator in Boston

So who is in Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts? The job of Media Coor­di­na­tor for is. You’ll be on the Brand Mar­ket­ing team to assist in the media buy­ing and opti­miza­tion of their TV and dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing cam­paigns across mul­ti­ple Way­fair brands, and much more.  This posi­tion will work along­side the media buy­ing and plan­ning team to sup­port the day-to-day TV man­age­ment tasks and opti­miza­tion of TV cam­paigns in coor­di­na­tion with inter­nal and exter­nal con­tacts to dri­ve strong per­for­mance results.

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Who is the ide­al Media Coor­di­na­tor for Wayfair?

This is an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­one look­ing to learn and con­tribute to Wayfair’s fast grow­ing TV and brand mar­ket­ing ini­tia­tives. The ide­al can­di­date is detail-ori­ent­ed, orga­nized, and ana­lyt­i­cal with strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and the abil­i­ty to man­age mul­ti­ple tasks in a fast paced envi­ron­ment. You will col­lab­o­rate with Media Buy­ers and work direct­ly with TV net­works to obtain nec­es­sary cam­paign report­ing. Sup­port all aspects of day-to-day TV cam­paign man­age­ment, invoic­ing, end of month reporting.

Get out there and uti­lize report­ing tools to ana­lyze and opti­mize TV cam­paign per­for­mance. Iden­ti­fy strong per­form­ing net­works & pro­grams and com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly with exter­nal part­ners. Rec­om­mend opti­miza­tion actions: replace weak per­form­ing networks/programs, iden­ti­fy alter­na­tive spend oppor­tu­ni­ties and scale strong per­form­ing net­works. Involved in the devel­op­ment of plans and media doc­u­ments. Car­ry out traf­fick­ing of media spots to TV net­works for var­i­ous Way­fair TV campaigns.

Facil­i­tate cost & invoice man­age­ment. Ana­lyt­i­cal, cre­ative and inno­v­a­tive approach to solv­ing prob­lems. Excep­tion­al abil­i­ty to man­age com­pet­ing pri­or­i­ties. Excel­lent writ­ten and oral com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Able to work autonomous­ly or col­lec­tive­ly in a fast paced envi­ron­ment. Entre­pre­neur­ial mind­set; com­fort­able in a data-dri­ven busi­ness envi­ron­ment. Expe­ri­ence with Excel and basic Excel for­mu­las, SQL a plus.

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What does the com­pa­ny have to say about the ser­vices they offer?

Way­fair (NYSE: W) offers an exten­sive selec­tion of home fur­nish­ings and décor across all styles and price points. With an unpar­al­leled selec­tion of more than sev­en mil­lion home items from 7,000 sup­pli­ers, Way­fair helps peo­ple find the per­fect prod­uct at the right price. Our unpar­al­leled selec­tion and supe­ri­or cus­tomer ser­vice cou­pled with the con­ve­nience of online shop­ping, makes it eas­i­er than ever before to find exact­ly what you want for your home. The Way­fair fam­i­ly of brands includes:, an online des­ti­na­tion for all things home
Joss & Main, an online flash sales site offer­ing inspir­ing home design daily
AllMod­ern, a go-to online source for mod­ern design
Dwell­Stu­dio, a design house for fash­ion-for­ward mod­ern furnishings
Birch Lane, a col­lec­tion of clas­sic fur­nish­ings and time­less home décor

Way­fair is head­quar­tered in Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts, and employs 2,000 peo­ple across its eight glob­al loca­tions of Boston, New York, Ogden, Utah, Hebron, Ken­tucky, Gal­way, Ire­land, Lon­don, Berlin and Syd­ney.  The com­pa­ny has pre­vi­ous­ly been named one of America’s Most Promis­ing Com­pa­nies by Forbes Mag­a­zine and select­ed by the Boston Busi­ness Jour­nal and as a Top Com­pa­ny to Work For and Top Com­pa­ny for Well Bal­anced Life.