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The Top 5 Companies Fighting for Likes on Facebook

How like­able do you need to be to obtain over 100,000 Likes per day?  As they say…things go bet­ter with Coke!

In our social media-dom­i­nat­ed age, a brand just wants to be liked. Or more specif­i­cal­ly, have their page “liked” on Face­book, which has become one of the pri­ma­ry mar­ket­ing tools for most com­pa­nies. Every­one who “likes” a par­tic­u­lar brand page will then receive updates from that brand on a reg­u­lar basis, allow­ing them to adver­tise direct­ly to cus­tomers who actu­al­ly care about their prod­ucts or ser­vices. Through this, com­merce and social net­work­ing have found a won­der­ful­ly hap­py medi­um and has made Face­book one of the most valu­able plat­forms on the web. How­ev­er, there are some brands who have become bet­ter at gath­er­ing these valu­able prospec­tive cus­tomer “likes” than oth­ers, using a num­ber of dif­fer­ent intel­li­gent mar­ket­ing meth­ods on the brave new world of Face­book. Check out some of the fastest grow­ing com­pa­nies on Face­book, list­ed below:


The world renowned health and beau­ty line Lan­come has boomed through “likes” on Face­book, as they have paid close atten­tion to all of their Face­book pages that serve their wide vari­ety of prod­ucts, mak­ing them appeal to dif­fer­ent audi­ences in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. How­ev­er, each page also spot­lights each prod­uct and also offers excel­lent beau­ty tips. New fans also “like” the Lan­come page because they know they will the first to learn about new prod­ucts and tips when the com­pa­ny releas­es them.


The largest busi­ness in the world is one of the top com­pa­nies gath­er­ing fans via Face­book, which should real­ly be of no sur­prise to any­one, when you think about it. Wal­mart has suc­ceed­ed in just about every mar­ket it has come into, be it an actu­al or vir­tu­al. What has real­ly drawn peo­ple the “like” their page is that their posts will state some­thing plea­sur­able with a nice pho­to. For exam­ple, one post that received 84,000 “likes” was “like if you like home­made piz­za!” Who doesn’t?


The online mar­ket­place Ama­zon attracts near­ly 70,000 “likes” per day because they are cre­ate when they speak to their audi­ence. They reg­u­lar­ly have con­tests on their page, award­ing win­ners Ama­zon gift cards. This sim­ple bit of bribery works well, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing Ama­zon sells just about every­thing in it’s marketplace.


Beyond have a smart­ly designed Face­book page, Tar­get recent­ly ran a char­i­ty pro­mo­tion called “Give with a Tar­get” that gar­nered over 2.5 mil­lion likes in the month of August. This, in turn, gave 2.5 mil­lion to schools who need­ed it for the com­ing school year. In oth­er words, Tar­get gath­ered fans by turn­ing their likes into char­i­ta­ble dona­tions, which is help­ful and smart.


Aver­ag­ing over 100,000 likes a day, Coca Cola still is the most pop­u­lar brand out there, even in the world of Face­book. Their posts and design of their page is what draws fans in, as well as the pop­u­lar­i­ty of their brand in gen­er­al. Some­times, brands that are the biggest in real-life are just as big in the vir­tu­al world.