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Tag Archives: eMarketer

Mobile advertising spend will outstrip digital rivals by 2016

The lat­est fore­cast for US media ad spend­ing from eMar­keter pre­dicts that mobile adver­tis­ing will sur­pass all oth­er dig­i­tal ads by 2016. An his­toric over­take Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will have their work cut out for them, it seems: over the next two years, mobile ad spending

Mobile ad spend took off big time in 2013, says eMarketer

Peo­ple hold­ing media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies have final­ly seen the fruits of their labor pay off. Accord­ing to a new report from eMar­keter fea­tured in AdAge and sev­er­al oth­er news out­lets, mobile adver­tis­ing spend is on course to dou­ble by the close of

How best to make online video ads truly interactive

Art direc­tors want­i­ng to get the best out of video adver­tis­ing for their online adver­tis­ing agen­cies might do well to heed some new “best prac­tice” guid­ance from eMar­keter. The rise of inter­ac­tive It’s no secret that inter­ac­tive video adver­tis­ing is grow­ing. Video ad man­age­ment firm