Yes, you have a chance to be the social media manÂagÂer for the New York YanÂkees. If you’re a sport nut and a social media guru, you should be attackÂing this! Can you develÂop a comÂpreÂhenÂsive Social Media plan to encomÂpass the entire New York YanÂkees orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and brand through TwitÂter, FaceÂbook, InstaÂgram, TumÂblr, etc? The Social Media ManÂagÂer is responÂsiÂble for proÂvidÂing intelÂliÂgent and creÂative marÂketÂing to assist in the proÂgresÂsion of the organization’s Social Media stratÂeÂgy. WanÂna play ball?
So who are the New York YanÂkees LookÂing for as a Social Media ManÂagÂer?
Can you be the ONE?
EduÂcate and culÂtiÂvate across all departÂments that helps proÂvide conÂtent and fan engageÂment. ProacÂtiveÂly monÂiÂtor the club’s social media chanÂnels for opporÂtuÂniÂties to engage curÂrent fans as well as potenÂtial new fans. You’ll be responÂsiÂble for creÂatÂing and manÂagÂing brand voice conÂsisÂtent with orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal philosoÂphies on new and existÂing Social Media platforms.
Research, develÂop and impleÂment new social media opporÂtuÂniÂties and strateÂgies. ConÂsult on marÂketÂing plans, media plans, sponÂsorÂship sales proÂposÂals and non-baseÂball events. MonÂiÂtor social media netÂworks; manÂage the schedÂulÂing of posts and respond and comÂmuÂniÂcate with fans directly.
AnaÂlyze social media mediÂums through monÂiÂtorÂing tools and proÂvide meanÂingÂful anaÂlytÂics regardÂing comÂmuÂniÂty growth and engageÂment. ProÂvide comÂpetÂiÂtive intelÂliÂgence around comÂpetiÂtors’ social activÂiÂties. IdenÂtiÂfy, capÂture and creÂate social media conÂtent. Respond to curÂrent trends in social media to develÂop an effecÂtive communications/marketing strategy.
Work with MLBAM to maxÂiÂmize and streamÂline social media efforts and strateÂgies. Work with GM, field staff and playÂers to develÂop and exeÂcute social media strateÂgies designed to strengthÂen conÂnecÂtion between unformed perÂsonÂnel and fan base.
What are the skills and qualÂiÂties to land this gig in the bag?
Bachelor’s degree in ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, MarÂketÂing or relatÂed field. MinÂiÂmum of four years proÂfesÂsionÂal expeÂriÂence with social media platÂforms. Social media techÂniÂcal skills required, includÂing Adobe IllusÂtraÂtor and Adobe PhoÂtoÂshop, PhoÂtogÂraÂphy expeÂriÂence a plus.
AbilÂiÂty to recÂogÂnize and idenÂtiÂfy sensitive/inappropriate topÂics, social issues and curÂrent events as they relate to the New York YanÂkees and Major League Baseball
AbilÂiÂty to work well withÂin a team enviÂronÂment, offerÂing assisÂtance and supÂport to team memÂbers whenÂevÂer necÂesÂsary. Proven abilÂiÂty to delivÂer tanÂgiÂble results withÂin a short timeÂframe with limÂitÂed resources. Requires conÂtinÂuÂal attenÂtion to detail and high levÂel of orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. SimulÂtaÂneÂousÂly manÂage a high levÂel of detail across mulÂtiÂple projects, abilÂiÂty to mulÂti-task and prioritize.
ExcelÂlent interÂperÂsonÂal, verÂbal and writÂten comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion skills. Proven abilÂiÂty to balÂance interÂnal priÂorÂiÂties with client expecÂtaÂtions. ProÂfiÂcienÂcy in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowÂerÂPoint). FlexÂiÂble work schedÂule and the abilÂiÂty to work in an outÂside staÂdiÂum environment
Just think of all the games you’ll be seeing.