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Are you agile enough to be the Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer for CityGrid Media?

City­Grid Media is look­ing for a smok­ing gun Senior Ruby on Rails Engi­neer to join their team in West Hollywood.

City­Grid is the largest con­tent and ad net­work for local, aggre­gat­ing more than 800K pay­ing adver­tis­ers and enhanced list­ings and con­tent for 18M mer­chants to help them grow their busi­ness­es while reach­ing more than 140M unique users across 250 web and mobile sites.

The Senior Ruby on Rail Engi­neer will be an impor­tant part of the Insid­er­Pages team as well as build­ing out their new site. With a strong belief in agile soft­ware devel­op­ment, ide­al can­di­dates will par­tic­i­pate in dai­ly stand-ups, and feel com­fort­able par­tic­i­pat­ing in prod­uct ideation, design and plan­ning dis­cus­sions. With a pas­sion for work­ing with high­ly tech­ni­cal stacks and the lat­est web ser­vices technologies

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So who is the ide­al Sr. Ruby on Rails Engineer?

In order to get this job you have to actu­al­ly know what this stuff means:
Object ori­ent­ed fun­da­men­tals (OOA, OOP, OOD), TDD and BDD frame­works includ­ing Jas­mine, RSpec, Cucum­ber or equiv­a­lent. Full appli­ca­tion stack from the appli­ca­tion core to the data­base lay­er, Javascript frame­works, par­tic­u­lar­ly JQuery or Backbone.

Then top that off with a pas­sion for Open Source tech­nolo­gies and hands on expe­ri­ence with Java or Perl or Python or Groovy.

So if you are an excep­tion­al RoR Engi­neer that wants to work with­in a high­ly tech­ni­cal, col­lab­o­ra­tive and inno­v­a­tive devel­op­ment environment…then they want to hear from you today!

Apply Here

Here’s what City­Grid Media has to say about the ser­vice they offer:

City­Grid Media pro­vides ser­vices that are essen­tial to mil­lions of peo­ple in their day-to-day lives, keep­ing con­sumers con­nect­ed to the best restau­rants, bars, shops, spas and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices across 75,000 neigh­bor­hoods through its inno­v­a­tive local brands includ­ing, Urbans­poon and Insid­er Pages.

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