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Online ad startup drops cookies for behavioral ad targeting

Start-up ad agency Sequen­tial Media has announced that is has jet­ti­soned the cook­ie and dumped oth­er stan­dard track­ing mech­a­nisms like fin­ger­print­ing and IP address­es in favor of its new­ly patent­ed “Crowd Tar­get­ing™” tech­nol­o­gy. In a move that will excite every adver­tis­ing sales man­ag­er and search

Soldsie Makes the F‑Word Work

A San Fran­cis­co start-up wants to put the com­merce in F- Com­merce. These days, the big f‑word on Face­book is “F‑commerce,” or, in two words, “Face­book Com­merce.” As weak­en­ing of the stock has shown, Face­book may not be as valu­able as every­one ini­tial­ly thought, due

MediaFed Planning to Outperform Flipboard Following Taptu Buy Out

Strug­gling news aggre­ga­tion app Tap­tu must have thought all of its Christ­mases had come at once fol­low­ing its acqui­si­tion by Euro­pean news­feed mon­e­ti­za­tion and RSS com­pa­ny Medi­aFed and now the pair are plan­ning to take on estab­lished read­er apps includ­ing Flip­board and Pulse. It’s long been

Is the FreedomPop acorn set to become a mighty oak?

A new mobile broad­band ser­vice is about to be pub­licly test­ed cour­tesy of Free­dom­Pop, the start­up that launched its man­i­festo last year promis­ing free wire­less broad­band for all. The beta ver­sion pro­vides 500MB of free data each month, with rev­enue com­ing from a range of other

Grading Every Block

  Does your block make the grade? That’s a ques­tion you will actu­al­ly be ask­ing your­self in the near future, at least if the recent ven­ture Block­Av­enue takes off. The new com­pa­ny from Boston’s Dog­patch Labs recent­ly raised $200,000 from angel investors and is set on


Is Mobile the Future of TV?

A new com­pan­ion app aimed at enhanc­ing the view­ing expe­ri­ence has entered the mobile mar­ket­place, but will Zee­box suc­ceed in an are­na where many execs are still mak­ing their minds up about the ben­e­fits of sec­ond screen? 1.5 mil­lion down­loads and 300,000 – 400,000 unique views per month, along with an eight-dig­it invest­ment from BskyB in the