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The Coming Wave of Mobile Internet

Will cel­lu­lar phones become the com­put­er of choice for most peo­ple?  With 6 bil­lion phones vs 1.2 bil­lion com­put­ers the ques­tion may have already been answered. There are sev­en bil­lion peo­ple in the world yet there are only 1.2 bil­lion com­put­ers, accord­ing to All Things

Omnicom reveals revenue share venture with mobile ad firm Amobee

Details of a unique rev­enue shar­ing joint-ven­­ture are emerg­ing between the mighty ad hold­ing com­pa­ny, Omni­com, and the up-and-com­ing mobile adver­tis­ing firm Amobee. Adver­tis­ing jug­ger­naut Omni­com owns a pletho­ra of promi­nent agen­cies, includ­ing TBWA, DDB and BBDO, and its pact with Amobee marks a striking

Apple VP joins Anime Start Up and Becomes a Manga Fan

For­mer Apple mobile exec­u­tive Andy Miller has jumped ship and land­ed on a Face­book page that’s ded­i­cat­ed to all things Man­ga, Ani­me and Japan­ese Pop Cul­ture, to steer it towards web and app suc­cess. Miller, who’s cur­rent­ly firm­ly ensconced in the board­room of Leap Mobile,

Most active job seekers use social media to find work

A grow­ing army of job hunters, even those cur­rent­ly in employ­ment, are turn­ing to social media for help in sourc­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties. That’s the ver­dict of a new study by online recruit­ment spe­cial­ist Job­vite, which reveals that 75 per­cent of work­ers are either active­ly seeking