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Experience a New Way to do Business with Hyperfair

Most entre­pre­neurs know that attend­ing expos and fairs is all part of doing busi­ness, but how about being able to net­work, exchange cards, col­lect brochures and view new prod­ucts with­out leav­ing your desk? Fresh from Cal­i­for­nia incu­ba­tor Rock­et­Space, 3D vir­tu­al events spe­cial­ists Hyper­fair are putting their

Are display ads passé? Federated Media thinks so

Ad indus­try leviathan Fed­er­at­ed Media has just announced that it’s putting its direct dis­play ad busi­ness out to pas­ture. In news guar­an­teed to grab the atten­tion of every adver­tis­ing sales man­ag­er and busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er work­ing in Adland, FM’s move her­alds a major change in

EverySignal – Making Sense of Your Social Streams

Have you ever thought that life would be eas­i­er if you could take a metaphor­i­cal sweep­ing brush to your feeds, remove the rub­bish and reveal the mean­ing­ful news? EverySig­nal makes that pos­si­ble. The end­less flow of data that pass­es through your social streams means that

Waze reveals roadmap for internet advertising

Nav­i­ga­tion app Waze has launched a dou­ble attack on the mobile adver­tis­ing mar­ket by adding new devel­op­ments designed to enrich social media expe­ri­ences and mon­e­tize mobile mar­ket­ing. Waze’s nav­i­ga­tion app was one of the few map­ping solu­tions that flour­ished ear­li­er in the year, as bad