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Jivox dumps one-size-fits-all mobile advertising for single-tag made-to-measure alternative

Jivox, the start­up ad tech firm with a flair for mul­ti-screen inter­ac­tive video ads, has announced a new plat­form with the poten­tial to sim­pli­fy mobile phones adver­tis­ing rad­i­cal­ly.  Put sim­ply, it offers instant com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with new­ly released iOS gad­gets, the iPhone 5 and the Apple iPad mini.

With the dif­fer­ent screen sizes fea­tured on these new, mass mar­ket devices, mobile adver­tis­ing sud­den­ly got much more com­pli­cat­ed than those unfa­mil­iar with the work of mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies might appre­ci­ate.  Get­ting an ad cam­paign across mul­ti­ple mobile devices now involves intri­cate recod­ing, resiz­ing and device-by-device inte­gra­tion — the kind of cost­ly, painstak­ing work that gen­er­ates more than a lit­tle belly­ach­ing from buyers.

From one size fits all to bespoke

But the new plat­form from the San Mateo-based start­up ensures that adver­tis­ers will now be able to use just one tag for ads run­ning on every screen size.  No addi­tion­al cod­ing, no resiz­ing, no device integration.

The Cal­i­forn­ian agency’s CEO, Diaz Nesa­money, had noticed that mobile ad cre­ative all too fre­quent­ly doesn’t get opti­mized for mobile devices, with the inevitable con­se­quence that ads turn into gal­lons try­ing to squeeze into quart pots.  A large pro­por­tion of mobile-rich media plat­forms con­tain areas that don’t include cre­ative ele­ments – the so-called “safe zones.”  The aim is to pre­vent these ele­ments from being cut off from the device’s screen range, but this means that only a frac­tion of the real estate avail­able on the screen is har­nessed for the expe­ri­ence of the ad.

As dif­fer­ent screen sizes are now like­ly to pro­lif­er­ate, this essen­tial­ly “one-size fits all” method is head­ing down the toi­let at a rate of knots.  Accord­ing to Jivox, it “leads to poor user expe­ri­ences and severe cre­ative con­straints for ad designers.”

Eas­ing the mobile adver­tis­ing headache in a fast chang­ing market

By con­trast, Jivox’s sin­gle-tag serv­ing auto­mat­i­cal­ly sens­es the OS, the brows­er and the type of device, so there’s no room for error.  The ad will be cor­rect­ly dis­played what­ev­er the size or type of gad­get it appears on.

Nesa­money explained, “By tak­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­plex­i­ties out of the equa­tion, we enable adver­tis­ers to effort­less­ly run inter­ac­tive video ad cam­paigns across any screen or mobile device, with­out dis­tress­ing over for­mats or tech­nol­o­gy assim­i­la­tion issues.  This ensures that impres­sions are not lost and guar­an­tees high­er engage­ment and ROI.”

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