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Study shows CPG advertisers trebled mobile spend in 2012

It is no secret amongst those hold­ing media jobs in the mobile adver­tis­ing indus­try that con­sumer pack­aged good mar­keters have been slow to adopt the chan­nel; how­ev­er, new research by Mil­len­ni­al Media and com­Score sug­gests that this assump­tion is yesterday’s news. Things are chang­ing fast:

4 Reasons Why Mobile Phones will Rule our World

4 Reasons Mobile Phones and Devices will Rule our World

At the 2013 Ad Age Dig­i­tal Sum­mit it was impos­si­ble to go more than 5 min­utes with­out hear­ing the words mobile phone, Smart­phone or tablet.  If you are a Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er, Social Media Man­ag­er or Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er,  Mobile Phones are or will become

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Sales Job with Abbott and Costello

Abbott and Costel­lo look for a sales job to pay their rent.  But while this was a com­e­dy sketch, Abbott and Costel­lo were actu­al­ly great sales­peo­ple.   Their sales skills were root­ed in com­e­dy.  They knew exact­ly how to engage the audi­ence and make them laugh.

From modest to mammoth in months: Optimizely raises $28 million

Things are look­ing bright for web­site opti­miza­tion start­up Opti­mize­ly, which offers easy A/B test­ing for com­pa­nies’ web­sites using a visu­al inter­face (that means no engi­neer­ing or cod­ing). It’s just raised Series A fund­ing of $28 mil­lion – the kind of sum to cause any product